Here's all the stuff that doesn't fit under
fanfic. You'll find everything here from my attempts
at poetry, to essays, to rants, to rambles. If you're
not afraid yet, you will be.
If you want to contact me, do so at the bottom of
the page. I'd really like it if you signed my
guestbook or emailed me.
Questions about Queen of the
Damned : When I went to the movie, I found myself
dissappointed. I'm sure I'm not alone. I was actually
very upset about paying money to see it, especially
since I can count the number of times I've been to
the theatre for a movie on my fingers.
Herbert the Hero : A Tale of
Noble Quests and Fearsome Monsters Actually, this
was written for art class when we had to write and
illustrate a children's story. I'm afraid I can't
scan the pictures because that will bend the book, so
you'll have to make do with the story itself. It's
very short, but the book could only be so many pages
long including all the illustrations.
Smaller Gods : I wrote
this poem some time ago and was recently reminded of
it. I realized that I hadn't put it up. A spider sits
contentedly on a flower until a person interferes
with his world.
Sense and Sensibility :
No, this isn't Jane Austen. Read it and find out
about the strange title. This poem came in second for
my school's yearbook literature contest.
Lord of the Flies : English
class again. We read Lord of the Flies and had to do
a poem from the POV of one of the characters. Being
the twisted person that I am, I wrote mine from the
POV of the title character :) I didn't stick this
under Fanfic 'cause I'm not exactly a fan...
Untitled Poem : I wrote
this at about three a.m. when inspiration struck and
wouldn't let me get back to sleep. It's an "I
am..." poem.
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