Know of a site that I should link to? Let me know
by email or signing the guestbook at the bottom of
the page.
Garden of
Forking Paths : This is the woman who got me into
writing slash. She's an amazing person and a
wonderful writer. Check out all her fic and then
bother her about all her WIP. (Not that I finish
anything either.)
: This has some of the best Gundam Wing fic around. I
visit regularly.
Tresses : The 6x2ML Archives
: I really like Zechs and Duo together. Maybe its the weakness I have for long hair on men. Check this site out, most of the fic is really good.
These are a series of original fantasy stories with
some really sweet m/m romance. I read the entire site
in one day, forgoing sleep to do so. They're really
Dimension Highlander Fanfic Archive : The best
Highlander archive. In fact, one of the best fic
archives around of any fandom.
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