Last Updated : Oct. 6, 2002

I'm still uploading these so here's the page of what will be up.

After fighting a loosing battle to upload and to get more space, I've gotten another tripod account just for these. Only two of the vids are here. The others will be at another account so if you get taken to another page, that's why. Don't panic.

Here are some music videos that I've done. Some are better than others. Please choose "Save Target As.." on the one's marked Here to download. These are all WMV files that can be played with Windows Media Player. If you want a better version, email me. I don't have enough space for the good versions. The others that have links are at another tripod account. If you can't get to them, let me know.

I live for feedback and suggestions. I can never get any better unless you tell me what you do and don't like.


Here Stalker Girl (2.2 MB) Music from the Arrogant Worms and clips from Gundam Wing. Focusing on, well, Relena and Heero's relationship, of course. *g* This is my first attempt at one of these and the song was so perfect. I actually don't mind Relena, but...

Beautiful (3 MB) Music from Joydrop and clips from Gundam Wing. For a friend of mine whose a 1x2 fan, this is a contrast between Relena and Duo.

The Show Must Go On (3MB) Music from Queen and footage from Gundam Wing. Trowa, just Trowa. The song really fits.

My Secret Identity, Heero Style(0.84 MB) Theme song from the TV show My Secret Identity. Done at the request of another friend, turned out mildly amusing, or so we think.



Butterfly (5.3 MB) I'm not sure who did the song and would be grateful if you could tell me. I think its DDR, but I don't know for sure. This is a humor video, starts off nice and serious but... Well, I like it and am still in shock over promoting a heterosexual couple. K & K relationship.

Kung Fu Fighting (2.5 MB) Foo Fighters -- I know Kung Fu isn't Japanese, but it was too perfect. The higher quality version has much better fight scenes, but I don't have enough room. If you really want it, email me.

With You (2.5 MB) Linkin Park -- Sano x Kenshin kinda also K & K. I'm not sure what I was trying to say here... I think S and K may have been involved but now he's with Karou.

Black Black Heart (? MB) Saitoh x Sano video. Not finished it yet. I'm drawing pictures for it myself so its taking a while. I needed stuff that was a bit more explicit than the series.



#1 Crush (8 MB) Garbage -- Clex video done for This is the best I've done in my opinion. I've been asked to do another, but I don't know what song to use yet.


X (The tv show)

I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight (3.4 MB) Journey -- Subaru and Seishirou video. Not as slashy as I would like, but its there. The song title was too appropriate. I've left subtitles on purpose.

Rose of Pain (10.1 MB) X-Japan -- Fuuma x Kamui video. Very slashy. It's only the first half of the song since the song was so long. I've purposely left in subtitles.

Here Mortal Kombat Theme (6.2 MB) Every show has to have this one done, so I did it. Probably one of my better videos.

Sympathy for the Devil (5.2 MB) Guns 'N Roses version -- A video focusing on my favourite character. I'm sure you've guessed who. Yes, Fuuma. <reader backs away slowly> Anyway, this one isn't the best, but it was hard finding good "Kamui" moments.


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