Sense and Sensibility


I trust I made myself obscure

Is that what they should say?

Have I confused you totally?

Can you tell night from day?


Does the sun rise in the east

Or is it slowly pulled

Around the sky? I ask you,

Or pour out light when filled?


Is this making sense to you?

Do you answer yes?

I guess that wasn’t good enough

Not confusing, I confess


Are the stars holes in the sky

From whence the light then shines

Or are they really angels

Who sing in chorus and in rhyme?


You know, of course,

That I exist,

And I know that you do not

Oh, you do, so you insist


But possibly, I say

That you only think you do

Or I exist because of you

Or maybe neither is what’s true


Who can know the way of things

That the truth belies

Know all facts do not make sense

So all of them deny


Could the end be here so soon?

Next Tuesday is my guess

I’ll get a good seat to watch the show

For I’ll settle for no less


Remember now, that you are me

As you read so shall you be

Would you like to have some tea?

Perhaps with honey, from a bee?


Sense is just a state of mind

A trick, illusion, that you form

When you learn of logic and of cause

But hear that truth no more


For now I tell you,

Hear and learn

That answers should

Not you concern


Trust not the words in ink or pen

Or voiced by those who “know”

See for yourself the world that is

And where now should you go


To be or not, a question?

Too true, to true it be

And why should superstition bring bad luck

Well, that’s for you to see


Are you lost upon this page?

Is your mind confused?

Does it feel a sense of loss?

Don’t worry, not much to loose


Beginnings, endings, all are one

So here are both, you see

I trust I make myself obscure

I have if you are me.


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