The Lord of the Flies
Who am I? I am you.
Oh, cant you see?
I wait in the darkness
For you to be
As I will, as I make
As I wish that you are
And always you listen
No matter how far
That you thought that youd run
And dont say that Im vain.
For its you that is, yes?
Sadistic? No, you bring the pain
To the others, you see
Ah, Jack, he is mine
My best prodigy
Of all of you boys
But all belong to the one
Who has brought you down
From where you came from
Back to savage and primitive self
As I laugh in the background
Expanding the gulf
That exists between now and
What used to be.
What hilarious farce!
Oh, great comedy!
And only one knew
But Simon is gone
Dead and deceased
Though I was the one
That they wanted to find
A true cosmic joke
Do you laugh here with me
At such wonderful folk
Who would destroy themselves
As I watch and observe
With amusement
For no blow does curb
And now Piggy dies
Like the pig he is named
From a blow to the head
And I am not blamed
For it was not me
Only you, silly boys
Poor little Ralphy
For now with great joy
They hunt down their hope
And they burn up their life
But then adults come
And end all that strife.
Or do they, now?
No, theyre worse, do you see?
Fighting that great big war
For little, old me.