Alternates : Teacher's Pet
Disclaimer: No, I don't own them. Adam
belongs to R:P/D and the Buffy universe and its contents belong
to Joss Whedon, Fox and Mutant Enemy. I can dream, though, right?
Feedback: This is my first story ever.
Please, tell me what you think! Suggestions, comments, smiley
faces, all are welcome.
In every generation there is a Chosen
One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and
the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.
Watcher Headquarters : Paris, France
"You can bring him in now."
The Watcher gestured towards the door. A young, nervous man
dressed in jeans and a loose, baggy sweater was ushered into the
*He looks like he's coming to his own
funeral, but he's woefully underdressed for it.* Jeffrey
Hamilton, one of the five Watcher Elders who had convened on the
dilemma that was Adam Pierson, suppressed a wave of sympathy and
morbid humour. The young Watcher researcher had been escorted
here with no warning and, for all he knew, especially given
recent events, could be waiting an order of execution for
treason. "Sit down, Mr. Pierson."
Adam Pierson, soon to be former head of
the Methos research project, settled himself gingerly in the
indicated chair. Hazel eyes scanned over the five people seated
behind the long, wooden table before settling on Jeffrey who
hesitated momentarily before beginning.
"We know you're Immortal,"
Jeffrey said as gently as he could.
Even so, Adam's face became a mask of
poorly concealed terror and he swallowed. His eyes darted from
side to side as if to find escape from impending doom. An
Immortal in the Watchers was something that could not just be
brushed off. Only weeks before, Jack Shapiro had beheaded Jacob
Gallati after leading a Hunt for both him and Duncan Macleod.
Many senior Watchers had lost their lives in Jacob's misplaced
scheme of revenge.
"We've known since the Methuselah
Stone incident, but given the circumstances have postponed this
until now." In an attempt to curb the plainly visible panic,
Jeffrey added, "Don't look so worried. Whatever happens
today, there are no plans for any beheadings. Neither are we
planning to involve Mr. Dawson for not reporting your..."
There was a slight hesitation. "...condition while the
Highlander was teaching you."
Adam relaxed slightly, some of the
tension working itself out of his lean frame, but only partially.
Fear and curiosity warred on his face, mixing in equal measure.
Jeffrey himself was relieved that Adam
now didn't look like he would bolt at any sudden movements. *Poor
The boy had had a rough few years and
was very lucky to have become Immortal rather than dead. The
young researcher had apparently survived his encounter with the
power hungry Immortal Kalas unscathed, though his mentor's
torture and death at Kalas' hands had struck a hard blow.
After viewing the surveillance tapes of
the theft of the Methuselah Stone, Jeffrey had learned
differently. As good luck would have it--or more likely Joe
Dawson--Duncan Macleod, the Immortal Highlander, had tried to
protect him from Kalas and then taken him on as a student,
explaining all the time spent in his company and that of Joe.
Then Kalas had escaped from jail, almost
exposing Immortals and Watchers to the world, as well as almost
causing the Highlander's death. Macleod's possession by the Dark
Quickening, and his attempt on the life of his other student,
Richie Ryan, had surprised everyone, and even the Watchers
weren't sure what had brought on his recovery.
Then had come the failed attempt to save
a dying girlfriend using the Methuselah Stone. Finally, his
friend and fellow Watcher, Joe Dawson, had almost met his death
at the hands of the Tribunal, accused of treason. It shouldn't
come as a surprise that permanent death at their hands was a very
prominent thought on his mind.
"Only a few Watchers know about
this, as is obvious with your continued employment. Since you are
an Immortal, allowing you continued access to our records and
continuing to employ you to search for Methos is interference in
the Game." Jeffrey paused to get his breath and attempted a
reassuring smile. "But you're one of our best researchers,
Adam, and with your linguistic expertise, we are more than
slightly reluctant to remove you from service. After weighing a
great many factors, we have a proposition for you. If you refuse,
you can simply leave and the rest of the Organization will be
informed of your change of status and you will, of course, be
assigned your own Watcher. Your friends in the Watchers, as a
matter of course, will have to refrain from contact with you and
you will be treated like any other new Immortal. If you accept,
the rest of the Watchers will remain in ignorance."
Jeffrey leaned forward slightly,
crossing his hands in front of him and exchanged a glance with
the woman beside him before returning Adam's nervous and curious
stare. "As a researcher, I'm sure you are familiar with the
Slayer Division of our agency. In fact, I believe that you have
been loaned to them several times to do translations."
At Adam's nod, he continued. "Since
the divisions are relatively uniformed of each other and the
Slayer Division has no non-interference clause, there is no
reason that you cannot simply be transferred. You may also keep
in contact with members of the Immortal Division as long as you
don't disclose information about where you have been transferred
to. The same will be true of your new acquaintances in the Slayer
division. With your experience in dead languages, you could be a
real asset. So, what do you say?"
**** A few months later ****
"Sunnydale? I'm being sent to the
Hellmouth?" Disbelief and ire filtered through the words.
Adam had not really changed since Jeffrey had last seen him,
Immortality making that difficult, except perhaps in clothing
style. Mr. Pierson now looked right and properly British.
*More probably an attempt to blend then
a real change in taste,* the senior Watcher thought. The anger
and aggressive stance was also a great departure from the timid
young man that had sat before him waiting judgement not many
months ago.
Jeffrey frowned. "We know something
big--bigger than usual--is going to happen. The signs are there.
We don't know exactly when, but we want someone else there."
Adam looked at him apologetically,
reining in his previous anger. "I'm a researcher, sir. I've
never been a field agent and I don't see how I could be of much
use there. The Slayer already has a Watcher."
"You're an Immortal, and that could
give us an edge in future battles that might be desperately
needed. You were also trained by Macleod, so I know that you
can't be as much a slouch on the physical side as you're
implying. There aren't even any Immortals in Sunnydale to
threaten you."
Jeffrey made out a muttered,
"Probably a few reasons for it," but decided to let it
pass. After all, who in their right mind would want to go to the
Hellmouth, Immortal or not.
"Whether you inform the Slayer or
her Watcher of your Immortality is up to you. We already have a
cover set up. You're leaving in two days."
Part 1 ------
The Bronze : Sunnydale, California
A girl screamed as the vampire advanced
on Buffy Summers, his demon clearly showing on his face. Xander
Harris watched as people exited the Bronze, Sunnydale's coolest,
and nearly only, hangout at near inhuman speed.
*Cowards* It was clear that Buffy was on
her own.
Still backing up, Buffy aimed her fist
right at the vampire's game face and followed quickly with
another solid punch. Unfazed, the undead monster gave her a
fang-filled smile before launching her onto the pool table.
*Nobody does that to my girl,* Xander
thought as he came at the vampire from behind. He grabbed him
just before the demon attempted to make the Slayer into his next
meal and pulled him off.
"May I cut in?" he asked,
sarcasm dripping of the words, before bashing the vampire's head
into the pool table. Turning the fiend over, Alexander LaVelle
Harris punched him in the gut and face, letting him fall to the
floor unconscious. The impressed smile Buffy turned in his
direction lit up the whole room. Holding his hand out to her, he
asked, "You alright?"
Buffy exhaled a deep breath.
"Thanks to you!"
Sliding off the table gracefully, she
looked at his hand. "You hurt your hand! Will you still be
able to..."
"..finish my solo and then kiss you
like you've never been kissed?" he continued, following up
with a wink and began to return to the stage.
There is a low growl behind him. *You're
asking for it now.* Sometimes they just didn't know when to die.
Breaking off a chair leg, he threw it at the now standing
vampire. Ash exploded as Xander returned to the stage and
retrieved his guitar. Buffy looked up at him adoringly and
advanced on the stage.
"You're drooling," she said.
*Huh, what, oh*
He shook his head in confusion. *Oh,
just a dream.* He looked at Buffy, who pointed to the corner of
her mouth.
"You've got a little..."
Quickly, Xander removed the drool from
his mouth and chin. *I'm sure you really managed to impress her
there, Xander, my man. No wonder she's so eager to go out with
you.* He gazed around the darkened room quickly, checking if
anyone noticed. Dr. Gregory, the biology teacher, was giving a
slide show about insects. *No wonder I drifted off, though I'm
going to have to stop doing that in the future. A repeat
performance wouldn't be a good thing.* He tried to force his
wandering mind onto the lecture.
"Their ancestors were here long
before us and their progeny will be here long after we are gone.
The simple and omnipresent ant."
The teacher then turned off the
projector and flicked on the lights. Slowly, he began walking
down the aisle.
"If you read the homework, you
should know the two ways that ants communicate."
Xander began to worry when Dr. Gregory
approached his desk. He hadn't, of course, done his biology
homework. But, instead of the interrogation that he feared, the
educator merely leaned on his desk facing Buffy.
"Miss Summers."
Buffy glanced around desperately.
"Ways that ants communicate."
"Mmm..." said Dr. Gregory,
"With other ants."
"From the homework," the
teacher repeated helpfully, glasses glinting.
Out of the corner of his eye, Xander
noticed Willow trying to get Buffy's attention.
"Ants are communicating..."
The redhead touched Xander's back with
exaggerated motions while Buffy watched.
"Um, uh, um..." said Buffy
while trying to make sense of what Willow was trying to tell her.
Tentatively, she answered, "Touch?"
Dr. Gregory nodded. "And..."
Willow sniffed at Xander, who felt as
equally confused as Buffy looked. "B.O.?"
Several students laughed. Xander's spine
stiffened minutely. One student, Blayne, who he had no like for,
piped up. "Thank God, someone finally found the courage to
mention that!"
Xander's frown deepened. *I can't stand
that guy.*
"That would be touch and smell,
Miss Summers. Would Miss Rosenberg like to add anything
Willow quickly turned away from Buffy,
but the bell rang, cutting short any further shame on her part.
"Read chapters six through eight
for tomorrow, people!" Dr. Gregory looked at Buffy.
"Could I see you for a minute?"
All the students had left the room,
leaving Buffy and Dr. Gregory alone.
"I gather you had a few problems at
your last school?"
*Here is comes,* Buffy thought. *All my
teachers think I'm some sort of teen psycho.* "Well, what
teenager doesn't?"
Dr. Gregory continued. "Cut school,
get into fights, burn down the gymnasium... Principal Flutie
showed me your permanent record."
He walked to the front of the class and
Buffy followed. *Well, I guess I already know what he thinks of
me. It isn't my fault I have a destiny and that includes some ,
uhh, unusual circumstances.*
"Well, that fire, I mean, there was
major extenuating circumstances." *Like a gang of vampires
who were going to attempt to eat the majority of the school
population. * "Actually, it's, uh, kinda funny!" *In an
odd, sick sort of way.*
"I can't wait to see what your
going to do here." The last word was emphasized. Going to
the closet, the teacher pulled his other pair of glasses from the
pocket of his lab coat and began cleaning them casually.
*Oh, feel the anticipation.*
"Destructo Girl. That's me."
"But I suspect it's gonna be
Buffy felt confused for a moment.
*Great?* "You mean, 'great' in a bad way?"
Dr. Gregory looked at her, then returned
to his glasses. "You have a first rate mind and can think on
your feet. Imagine what you could accomplish if you actually did
the ..."
"...homework thing." *Wow.*
Buffy then experienced a vague sheepish feeling, despite the fact
she had been patrolling the night before so didn't have time to
do her biology. *The first teacher that actually likes me, and I
can't even bother doing the homework for his class.*
"The homework thing. I understand
you probably have a good excuse for not doing it."
*Boy do I ever.* Then added belatedly,
*Some of the time.* It wasn't as if she didn't manage to find
time to go to the Bronze and hang with her friends.
"Amazingly enough, I don't care. I
know you can excel in this class, and so I expect no less. Is
that clear?"
"Yeah! Sorry."
Buffy watched as he continued to look at
his slides. "Don't be sorry, be smart. And don't listen to
the principal or anyone else who has a negative opinion of you.
Make 'em eat that permanent record. Whadaya say?"
Looking up, he gave Buffy a small smile.
She found herself returning it and resolved to try to make good
on his faith in her. "Okay! Thanks."
He nodded at her as she bent to retrieve
her bag. "Remember, chapters six through eight!"
Buffy looked back at him. At least there
was one teacher here that was giving her a chance.
Dr. Gregory put the slide down as Buffy
left the classroom and went to turn off the lights. That girl
could go far if she listened to what he'd said. The teacher knew
what it was like to be judged without being given a chance. The
same had happened to him in high school, though not at the hands
of every teacher.
"Humm..." He placed the slide
on the view plate.
Click. Behind him the closet opened.
Suddenly, a large green claw surrounded
his neck. *Oh God!* Dr. Gregory screamed as he looked behind him
and saw the giant mantis, the hideous insect that had grabbed
onto him.
The glasses fell to the floor, broken,
and then so did he.
Xander surveyed the dance floor before
making his way to the stage of the Bronze. Grinning, he gave the
singer an acknowledging nod. The replying look clearly stated,
'get outta here.' He smarted with disappointment and moved away
from the band and towards the bar where Blayne and his friend are
"Seven, including Cheryl. I'll tell
you, though, her sister was lookin' to make it eight!"
*What do girls see in him anyway that I
don't have?*
"Ohh," Blayne's friend
exclaimed, "Cheryl's sister? The one in college?"
Blayne nodded. "Home for the
holidays and lookin' for love! But, she's not my type. Girls
really gotta have something to go with me."
*Yeah, like no brains.* Xander
interrupted, "Something like a lobotomy?"
Both boys turned to look at Xander,
annoyed with the interjection. "Xander," Blayne
acknowledged. "How many times you score?" The tone was
"Well, uh..."
"It's just a question. No big deal
here." His voice suggested otherwise.
Xander inwardly winced at the implied
insult. *No way I'm gonna let him win here.* "Are we talking
today, or the whole week?" he asked, matching Blayne's
They snickered at him, recognizing the
tactic. Just then, Xander noticed Willow and Buffy coming down
the stairs. *Keep laughing. I got an idea.*
"Ooo! Duty calls!" Xander
approached the girls. "Babes!" They looked at him as he
comes up and grabs them by the shoulders.
"What are you doing?" Buffy
He looked at her. "Work with me
here. Blayne had the nerve to question my manliness. I'm just
gonna give him a bit of a visual."
Willow responded wholeheartedly,
throwing her arms tightly around him. "We'll show him!"
Xander was disappointed that Buffy didn't show the same
enthusiasm, but looked back at Blayne and gave him a thumbs up.
They gazed back at him, impressed.
"I don't believe it." The
distraction in Buffy's voice was evident.
"I know, and after all my
conquests." *All none of them.* Buffy ignored him, instead
walking towards a tall, mysterious man in a black coat. *Whoa,
what's going on here?* "Who's that?"
"That must be Angel!"
Xander returned his gaze to Willow.
"That weird guy that warned her about all the
"That's him, I'll bet you."
*Damn.* "He's , umm, buff. She
never said anything about him being buff!"
"You think he's buff?"
"He's a very attractive man! How
come that never came up?"
"Do I hear jealously?"
"Maybe, just a little. After all,
he's just mysterious, warning guy, I have nothing to worry
about," Xander replied, not noticing Willow's sigh. *Yeah,
no worries here.*
"Well, look who's here," Buffy
said as she walked up to Angel.
*I wonder what he'll come up with now.
Couldn't he just have come to see me for me, not some strange and
weird prophecy I have to stop.* "I'd say it's nice to see
you, but then we both know that's a big fib."
"I won't be long."
*Of course not.* Buffy continued.
"No, you'll just give me a cryptic warning about some
exciting new catastrophe, and then disappear into the night.
"You're cold."
"You're a big boy. You can take
She watched as he removed his jacket.
"I mean, you look cold," he said, putting the coat
around her shoulders.
Xander watched Buffy and Angel from
where he sat with Willow. "Oh, right! Give her your jacket.
It's a balmy night, no one needs to be trading clothes!"
Already, he knew that this Angel guy was going to be trouble.
"It's a little big on me."
Buffy noticed a row of cuts on Angel's arm. *Ouch! What could do
something like that?* "What happened?"
"I didn't pay attention."
*To what?* She continued the question
aloud. "To someone with a big fork?"
"He's coming."
*Nice and cryptic.* "The Fork
Angel's voice was stressed as he went on
with his warning. "Don't let him corner you. Don't give him
a moment's mercy. He'll rip your throat out."
"Okay, I'll give you improved marks
for that one. Ripping a throat out; it's a strong visual, it's
not cryptic!"
"I have to go," Angel said
before walking away.
She stared after his retreating back,
whispering, "Sweet dreams to you, too."
The next morning, Buffy and Giles
discussed the events of the previous night.
"That's all he said? Fork
Guy?" Giles took another bite of the apple he was eating and
looked at Buffy.
"That's all Cryptic Guy said: Fork
"I think there might be too many
'guys' in your life," Giles replied with a laugh. They
continued to walk toward the bench were Willow was sitting.
"I'll see what I can find out." Rupert looked up at the
sky. "God, every day here is the same."
"Yeah," Buffy said.
"Bright, sunny, beautiful. How ever can we escape this
Willow smiled at Buffy's comment. The
Vampire Slayer set down her bag and sat down beside her best
"Really," Giles replied and
turned to leave. Xander walked up to him. "Good
"Mornin'," Xander returned the
greeting. "Guess what I just heard in the office? The new
history teacher's here and no Dr. Gregory today. Those of us who
didn't do our homework aren't as dumb as we look." He
flipped Willow's book closed and she rushed to grab it before
dropping it on the ground.
"What happened? Is he sick?"
Buffy asked.
"They didn't say anything about
sick, something about missing."
"He's missing?" The worry was
"Well, let's see. Um, I was kinda
distracted, you know. The cheerleaders were modeling their new
short skirts... Yeah! Yeah, they said missing."
Buffy and Willow exchanged a look before
returning their gazes to Xander.
"This is bad?" he asked
"If something's wrong, yeah!"
Buffy exclaimed. Xander looked slightly confused.
"He's the only teacher that doesn't
think Buffy's a felon," Willow explained.
Now Xander's tone was consoling.
"I'm really sorry, I'm sure he'll..." The words drifted
off. "I, uh, huh..." Buffy and Willow followed his gaze
to see what the distraction was. Down the hall, a beautiful
women, snappily dressed with short, dark hair walked towards them
as Xander continued to stare. She stopped just short of Xander.
"Could you help me?"
"Uuuuuhhhhhh....Yes!" said
Xander, attempting to recover his composure. Behind him, Willow
and Buffy exchanged amused glances.
"I'm looking for Science...
"It's, umm..." Xander looked
around, trying to locate the room that he went to every day. He
turned back to the teacher, smiling. "I go there every
day!" Looking at the girls in a supplication for help, he
continued, "Oh, God, where is it?" They just shrugged
at him as Blayne walked up the hall.
"Hi! Blayne Mall. I'm going there
right now. It's not far from the varsity field where I took
All-City last year." He smiled in Xander's direction smugly.
"Oh! Thank you, Blayne."
Xander watched them as they walked down
the hall, surpressing a mutter under his breath, then turned back
to Buffy and Willow. "It's funny how the Earth never opens
up and swallows you when you want it to." They both nodded
and gave each other a smile.
"Isn't it, though? I was wondering
if any of you could direct me to the history room?" All
three spun towards the accented voice, Xander glaring slightly at
the man who overheard his comment. He was tall with short cropped
hair, hazel eyes, high cheekbones and large nose, combining into
a handsome face. "Your principal gave me some slightly, um,
confused directions."
"History, huh?" said Buffy.
She turned and whispered to Willow, "I only went once or
twice. You remember where it is?"
Willow glanced back and forth down the
hall. "Uh, h-history, umm..." She pointed to the right.
"Down the hall, turn left and it sh-should be right down
"Thank you."
He gave a melting smile in her direction
and nodded at them before continuing down the hall.
Xander spoke up. "Probably the new
history teacher."
"Do you think he noticed me
stuttering?" The query was directed at Buffy.
"No, you were cool. At least you
knew where the room was." The criticism was meant for
herself, but Xander looked offended.
"Why do you care? He's just some
Giles wanna-be. Bet he was disappointed the librarian position
was taken."
The three friends entered the classroom
together, while the beautiful supply-teacher stood at the front
of the room. Buffy spotted Dr. Gregory's glasses on the floor and
bent to retrieve them. *Why would he leave his glasses, unless..*
She attempted to force her mind away from the thought, but it
proved to be an impossible task and her worry echoed on her face.
"What's wrong?" Willow asked.
"Dr. Gregory dropped his
glasses..." She paused briefly before uttering aloud her
concern. "Why wouldn't he pick them up?"
*He's missing. This is the Hellmouth,
you know what probably happened.* Of all the teacher's in this
school, the one who didn't look down on her was the one who was
missing. One of the few teacher's she actually liked and now he
was most likely dead.
*You don't know that, something else
could have happened.* After her mental pep talk, Buffy raised her
eyes to the teacher as she walked to her place.
"My name is Natalie French and I
will be substituting for Dr. Gregory."
*I could be wrong. Just ask.* "Do
you know when he's coming back?"
Buffy's hope was shattered by the reply.
"No, I don't, um..." Miss French looked down, checking
her roster. "..Buffy. They just call me and tell me where
they want me."
Buffy heard Blayne's mutter, despite her
distraction and his lowered voice. "I'll tell you where I
want you."
So, apparently, could Miss French.
"Excuse me, Blayne?"
He recovered quickly. "Uh, I was
just wondering if you were gonna pick up where Dr. Gregory left
off?" he answered.
The teacher smiled. "Yes. His notes
say you were right in the middle of insect life." Natalie
retrieved a mantis mounted within a clear plastic box. "The
praying mantis is a fascinating creature. Forced to live alone.
who can tell me why? Buffy?" The teacher set the mantis back
in its place.
Buffy wanted to yell at her, tell her it
wasn't important, that Dr. Gregory was probably dead, but she
didn't. She stared at the mantis for a moment and said the first
thing she could think of. "Well, the words bug ugly spring
to mind."
Students attempted to stifle their
laughter as the substitute went on. "There is nothing ugly
about them. The reason they live alone is because they're
Buffy's comment summed up the general
classroom consensus. "Uhg!"
"It's not their fault. Nature
designed them that way: noble, solitary and prolific. There are
over 1800 species and in nearly all of them, the female is the
larger and more aggressive."
"Nothing wrong with an aggressive
female," Blayne murmured in Buffy's direction.
*In your dreams. I do not think so.
Can't he do anything besides make innuendoes?* She expressed her
mind with an angling of her head and a look in his direction.
Miss French picked up her notebook and
began walking around the room. "The California Mantis lays
her eggs, and then finds a mate..." There was a slight break
in the words and Buffy would swear that Natalie was staring at
Xander. " fertile them. Once he's done his part, she
covers the eggs in a protective sack and attaches them to a leaf
or twig out of dander. In a few months, she'll have several
hundred offspring."
The teacher returned to the front of the
room and lowered the notebook. "You know, we should make
some model egg sacks for the science fair. Who would like to help
me after school?"
The entire male populace of the class
raised their hands in answer.
Willow stood with her two best friends
in the cafeteria line, waiting patiently to reach what some
adventurous people might have called food.
Buffy stated the near universal opinion.
"Yum, hot dog surprise. Be still, my heart."
"Call me old fashioned, but I don't
want anymore surprises in my hot dogs," Willow answered,
supporting Buffy's view, oblivious to Xander's distraction.
Sometimes the redhead suspected that some of the cafeteria staff
had a grudge against the students at Sunnydale High, but so far
they all had managed to survive their previous lunches here. Of
course, she also recalled hearing about a food poisoning incident
at this same cafeteria a few years previously where a victim's
father had threatened to sue. That was not a thought that would
allow a person to enjoy their meal, so she mentally switched to a
nicer topic.
"So, were you thinking of coming to
history this afternoon?" she asked. After all, there was
definite ulterior motive, say the new, good-looking history
teacher. Buffy also needed some cheering up about Dr. Gregory.
*We're teenagers. Isn't this what teenage girls are supposed to
do? And it is not being disloyal to Xander. He doesn't notice me
anyway. Well, besides, it's just looking, cause he's like a
"Possibly. I was contemplating the
idea. It's his first day on the job and going to class might help
a long way with making a good impression. Impressions are, well,
um, important." She smiled in Willow's direction. "And
he won't be exactly hard on the eyes either."
Willow nodded back at her, returning the
smile. "He has to be better than Mr. Harrington,
anyway." She felt her smile slip a bit, regretting speaking
ill of the dead.
The previous teacher had been found dead
in his house two weeks before. After some research and a bit of
hacking, Willow had pieced together the cause of death. It had
been strange, even for the Hellmouth, like something out of a
cartoon. Mr. Harrington had tripped while cooking with his gas
stove and managed to knock himself out. Since his house was not
well ventilated, the teacher managed to gas himself to death
while cooking dinner. And for the next two weeks, the history
class had been inflicted with a series of supplies until a
replacement could be found, though most students had not bothered
to come at all. She was brought back from her thoughts when
Xander began thinking out loud.
"I wonder what she sees in me? It's
probably the quiet good looks and smoky magnetism."
Willow raised an eyebrow in his
direction. *Good looks, definitely, but quiet? When did this
happen? How did I miss it? And just who is this?* Willow thought,
having a perfectly good idea of the identity of the woman in
question. She exchanged a look and a smile with Buffy.
"Miss French," Xander
answered, as though neither of them had noticed his behaviour
that morning. "You're probably a little young to understand
what an older woman would see in a younger man."
Buffy looked at him. "Oh, I
"Well, good!"
"The younger man is to dumb to
wonder why she can't find someone her own age and too desperate
to care about surgical improvements."
Xander looked taken aback. Warily, he
asked, "What surgical improvements?"
Willow turned to Buffy, her voice full
of mock understanding. "Well, he is young."
"And so terribly innocent,"
Buffy continued.
Insulted, he spoke up. "Hey, those
that can, do. Those that can't laugh at those who, um, can
do." He drifted off as Blayne came up next to him.
Blayne's tone was smug. "I gotta
carb up for my one on one with Miss French today. When's your?
Oh, right, tomorrow. I came first and you came seconds. Guess
that's what's called natural selection."
As he left, Xander said to the girls,
"Guess that's what they call a rehearsal! Rehearsal..."
He laughed lamely, his pride stung.
Willow watched as Buffy went to grab
some utensils and collided with Cordelia.
"Excuse you!" Cordie
*Like it's her fault.* Willow had
disliked Cordelia as long as she could remember. She disliked the
way she looked down on anyone, but the most popular students and
she disliked the way she blamed others for everything. This had
been true since a certain incident involving the sand box in
Cordelia walked behind the counter,
holding before her a piece of paper. "Medically prescribed
lunch. My doctor ships it daily...I'll only be here as long as I
can hold my breath."
*I guess she doesn't want to breathe the
same air as us commoners. Can't she do anything without being
Cordelia opened the fridge and what
happened next wiped all thoughts of her hatred for her from
Willow's mind. The redhead rushed to the fridge with Buffy as
Cordelia backed away babbling.
"His head! His head! Oh, my God,
where's his head?"
Inside was a decapitated body. *Oh no,
it's Dr. Gregory.*
*I can't believe that happened.* Willow
looked over at Buffy as Giles brought her a glass of water, her
eyes red with shed tears.
"Here, drink this."
Buffy took the glass listlessly.
"Thanks," she said and took a sip.
Behind Giles, Xander spoke. "I've
never seen..."
Giles turned to look at him and Willow
followed his gaze. Xander was obviously shaken. *But aren't all
of us.* "I mean, I've never seen anything like... that was
*Who would do that to Dr. Gregory?*
Willow asked herself for what seemed like the thousanth time and
repeated the thought out loud.
"Uh, he didn't have any enemies on
the staff that I know of. He was a civilized man. I liked
him." Giles' voice was sad.
Willow looked up at Giles and put all
the determination she felt into her words. "Well, we're
gonna find out who did this. We'll find them and we'll stop
"Count on it," Buffy agreed.
"Well," Giles said. "What
do we know?"
"Not a lot, um..." Buffy
paused to wipe a tear from her nose. "He was killed here on
campus. Probably the last day we saw him."
"How do you know?"
"He didn't change his
clothes." At Buffy's statement, Willow's mind went back to
the scene that had been presented in the cafeteria fridge, Dr.
Gregory, still in his labcoat without his head.
Xander spoke up. "This is a
question that no one particularily wants to hear, but...where did
they put his head?"
"Good point," Willow said.
"I didn't want to hear that." She tried to surpress the
various ideas that sprang to mind. *Maybe they keep a collection,
mounted him on a wall or something. No, don't think of things
like that, Willow,* she ordered herself.
"Angel!" Buffy's sudden
exclamation broke Willow from her morbid thoughts. "He
warned me that something was coming." She took another sip
of water and walked to the table.
"Yes. Yes, he did, didn't he?"
Giles agreed. "I wish I knew what he meant. We've been
trying to gather more information on the Master, the, um, local
vampire king. There was one oblique reference to a, a, a vampire
who displeased the Master and cut off his hand as penance."
*Wait a minute. We? Who's this other
"Cut off his hand and replaced it
with a fork?"
"I, um, don't know what he, uh,
replaced it with."
"Why would he come after a
teacher?" Xander asked.
"He probably didn't." Willow
turned with the other's towards the man coming towards them from
Giles' office. It was the new history teacher.
"Okay, hold up a sec," Xander
said. "How do you know anything about this? Is anyone else
slightly confused?"
The three looked to Giles for
clarification. "Oh! This is Adam Pierson. He's been sent by
the Watcher Council. Buffy, Xander, and Willow." The
librarian nodded at each of them respectively.
*Why would they send someone?* Willow
thought. As far as she knew, it was one Watcher to a Slayer. This
could only be bad news. She tuned back in on what was being said.
" you under such
"Does your coming here have
anything to do with what killed Dr. Gregory?" Willow cut in.
"Not as far as I know, though it's
a possibility. I was told that there have been signs of something
worse than usual may be coming soon and that the Watcher's wanted
someone else here just in case."
Willow didn't ask in case of what, that
was obvious. *I don't think I want to know what could be worse
than usual for a Hellmouth.*
Buffy finally spoke. "We can do
intros later. Have any ideas about what this thing could
Mr. Pierson looked at Giles, who went
and grabbed a newspaper from the counter. "There was a
incident two nights ago. A homeless man was practically shredded
in Weatherly Park, but nothing like Dr. Gregory."
Buffy stared down at the paper, as if
trying to divine the truth from it. "So, Fork Guy doesn't do
Adam shook his head. "Not usually
and, even if he did, why didn't he drain the body, instead of
leaving it in the cafeteria fridge?"
"So, there's something else out
there?" Xander's voice was full of false enthusiasm.
"Besides Silverwareman? Oh, this is fun. I love living on
Monster Island. Never a dull day here."
"Unpleasant things do tend to
gravitate here, but, uh, we don't know there's anything besides
this chap. He's still our likely suspect," Giles replied.
Willow clearly heard the muttered,
"More like only," coming from Mr. Pierson's direction
and was sure Buffy could as well, because she turned to look at
"Was there anyone who stood to gain
from his death? Someone may have even tried to make it look like
a monster so it would be covered up. Don't want to upset the
citizens, after all."
"Since we don't know of anything
else yet, I'll have to go with Fork Guy. Where was that guy
killed? Weatherly Park?"
"Buffy." Giles advanced
towards her. "I know you're upset, but this is no time to go
hunting. Not until we know more, anyway. Please, promise not to
do anything rash?"
"Cross my heart."
Buffy climbed over the park fence,
beginning her search for the vampire that might have killed her
favourite teacher. Walking through the park, she looked around
carefully, taking in the darkened surroundings. A bum walked up
to her and she almost jumped, startled.
"Shouldn't be out here at night,
little lady. Dangerous."
*So am I.* Buffy wasn't that worried
about finding something dangerous. In fact, she wanted to,
especially a certain someone with a nasty reputation and a claw
for a hand. This time he would be the prey, not the hunter.
He left her alone. Looking around again,
she noticed another homeless man laying on the ground in front of
a bench. Buffy went up to him, but he was just asleep.
*I know you're here. Come out, come out
wherever you are.* She continued to stalk around the park,
cocking her head to the side to listen to the bark of distant
*Shrubs, trees, rocks.. Oh, look what we
have here.* The Chosen One looked down at the sewer access hole
that had been obscured by it's cover of plantlife. *Perfect
hiding spot for someone who doesn't want to get a really bad
sunburn.* She pulled it open, only to have the object of her
search leap out at her.
Buffy rushed back from the figure that
had suddenly appeared before her. He wore a vampire's typically
ugly face and lunged at her with one arm.
*Woah. Look at that thing. So much for
the fork.* She slammed a straightened arm into his stomach, then
onto his back. The vampire barely paused before swinging at her
again, giving her barely time to dodge.
Retaking the offensive, Buffy delivered
a powerful backhand to his face and a roundhouse kick to his jaw,
before following up with another punch. He attempted another
swing, but the Slayer evaded it easily, giving him another kick.
When he lunged at her, Buffy grabbed his arm and flipped him over
her onto his back with a loud crunch. As she moved forward to
stake him, he rolled to his feet. *Damn. Some guys just don't
know when to give up.*
Buffy gave him another kick that sent
him sprawling. Going forward for the kill, she stopped. *Voices.
Not now!* Turning around, she saw people with flashlights
approaching over the hill.
"Hold it! Police! Did you see that?
I got nothing here."
Seeing the posse, the vampire ran off.
"...I heard it. Spread out. Let's go over here. This way.
Alright..." Buffy followed him.
The Slayer could see Natalie French, the
supply, with her bag of groceries walking home outside the fence.
So could the vampire, who climbed over.
*No. Not again.*
He landed behind the teacher, who,
noticing something strange, turned around to face him. He hissed
at her, his face showing as much fear as his demonic visage would
allow, before making tracks in a different direction. Calmly,
Natalie watched him go, then continued on her was home as Fork
Guy vanished into a manhole. Buffy could only stare.
Part 2 ------
"You went hunting last night."
Giles' voice emphasized his displeasure.
"Yes," Buffy answered,
following him into his office.
"When you assured me you
"Yes, I lied. I'm a bad person,
let's move on."
Rupert opened his filing cabinet, not
looking at his Slayer. "Did you see someone with a
fork?" *You could have been killed! We don't know what we're
up against.* He ignored his inner thoughts as he turned to face
"More like a jumbo claw."
"Oh. Well, at least you're not
hurt." *But you could have been.* Rupert knew he was
supposed to remain detached in helping the Slayer, but he cared
anyway. If she died...
"And I found something much more
interesting than your average run of the mill killer
Giles attempted to continue his
disapproving tone, but failed. "Oh?"
"Do you know Miss French, the
substitute biology teacher?"
Rupert smiled at her. "Yes, she's
lovely. In a, a common, extremely well-proportioned way." He
began replacing files in the cabinet.
"Well, I was chasing Claw Guy and
Miss Well-Proportioned is heading home. Claw guy sees her and
runs screaming for cover."
"He what?" His voice was
confused. After all, there are not many things that a vampire is
afraid of. "Ran away?"
"He was petrified," Buffy
assured the Watcher.
"Of Miss French." Disbelief
echoed in his voice.
Buffy began to pace. "So, I'm an
undead monster that can shave with my hand...How many things am I
afraid of?"
*Someone is not what they seem. I guess
Adam was right about the, um, Claw Man.* "Not many. And not
substitutes, as a rule."
"So, what's her deal?"
"I think that perhaps we should
keep an eye on her. Dr. Gregory's death may only have been a
means to get close to other victims in the school."
Buffy rushed though the halls at a near
breakneck pace in a vain attempt to reach class on time, or at
least it became so when she was brought to a halt by Principal
Flutie. *Yes, I know I was running, but Xander and Willow are in
a class with some kind of demon.*
His statement was unexpected. "You
were there. You saw Dr. Gregory, didn't you?"
"Um, you mean yesterday in the
cafeteria, when we, um, found him..."
The principal cut her off. "Don't
say dead! or decapitated or decomposing. I'd stay away from D
word altogether. But you are a witness, so, this way..." He
started off down the hall.
She attempted vainly to stop him.
"I'm going to be late for biology.." *With a possible
murderer or demon or both.*
"Very late," he replied.
"You have to see a counselor. Everyone who saw the body has
"But I really don't need..."
"We all need help with out feelings
so we don't bottle them up. I believe that if everyone reaches
out to each other we can beat this thing. I'm always there for a
hug." He jumped back, as if expecting her to pull him into
an embrace right there. "Not a real hug. No touching; this
school's very sensitive to wrong touching."
"But, I really don't..."
"No, you have to start
"Heal!" He sat Buffy down in a
chair outside the council office before pacing off.
"Keep your eyes straight ahead on
your own paper." Miss Natalie French came up behind Xander.
"I think you meant pollination for #14," she said in a
low voice and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll see you here
after school."
*Oh, God.* It was like Xander's dream
come true.
Buffy came up running to the classroom
door and looked through the window. "Oh, great, a pop quiz.
Maybe I should be a bit later and miss it totally."
The teacher inside straightened. Buffy
watched as Natalie turned her head around 180 degrees.
Willow and Buffy entered the library
"No, she wasn't craning her neck.
I'm talking Exorcist twist."
"Ouch," Willow replied. *At
least she hasn't spit pea soup.*
"And that reminds me. How come
Blayne, who worked with her one on one yesterday, isn't
"Good question. Inquiring minds
want to know."
Buffy looked towards Giles. "Any
Willow seated herself in front of the
computer and began to attempt a search while continuing to listen
to the conversation.
"Actually, Adam and I came up with
a few obscure references. He is out checking those right now,
though I think I may have stumbled on the answer while he was
out." Giles placed an ancient looking tomb on the table and
opened it. "The Kathkono, or Levinas are a powerful race of
demons whose antagonism towards vampires is well known,
relatively speaking." He paused, looking down at the book.
"Could I have the Coles notes
version?" Buffy asked.
Giles sighed and Willow began to pay
more attention to what was being said than what she was doing on
the computer. "Uh, um, they are nearly impossible to tell
from humans and while, um, vampires and some demons can sense
"...we don't have any here."
"They heal faster than a vampire
and can only be killed by beheading, which is also their
favourite method of killing. On Crete, they also boiled them in
vinegar to make sure that they stayed dead, but I think it may be
a cultural thing because its only mentioned..."
"Is there a good part to all
this?" Willow asked. "Major weaknesses etc. would be
kinda nice."
"Well, it is unlikely to run into
more than one at a time. They're, uh, territorial and tend to
kill each other on site. They're are also fairly few in
"So, they don't gang up together.
That's good. One alone sounds bad enough."
"That brings up another
point." Giles looked grim. "When they die, there's a
lightning storm that converges on the killer. Possibly a revenge,
um, spell or a deterrent. Another of their kind can survive it,
but..." Giles trailed off.
Willow was horrified. Even succeeding in
killing Miss French could cause Buffy's death. She was not going
to loose her like that.
"Do you know anything else?"
Buffy asked, her voice strained.
"The references are vague. I did
manage to dig up accounts of the last recorded time these demons
overcame their antagonism towards each other. There are so few
references because writing about them was said to be a way to
call them down on you. Only a person very brave or confident that
he would be protected would mention them. A group of four
disguised themselves as mounted warriors. They managed to
terrorize civilizations and other demons alike. Luckily, they
broke up after a thousand years, or the world as we know it might
not exist."
Buffy was clearly shaken, but spoke
anyway. "Can they turn their heads all the way around?"
"No, not that I've read. Their
physical structure is similar to humans, so that would be
Willow was greatly relieved. The picture
Giles had painted was very grim indeed. *I hope one never comes
here.* There were tons of vampires on the Hellmouth, maybe that
would keep them away.
"There are insects that can,"
Buffy said. "Whatever she is, I'll be ready for her."
Buffy walked up to the stairs and to the stacks. Giles removed
his glasses, as if they were playing him false.
"What are you going to do?"
"My homework." She was
interrupted by Adam's return. "Have you got anything on
bugs?" she continued.
Adam looked around, confused. "Did
I miss something?"
Xander entered the classroom and walked
up to Miss French, who was spreading butter on a piece of bread.
"Oh, hi. I was just grabbing a
snack. Can I fix you something?"
Xander shook his head. "No thanks,
I never ... eat when I'm making egg sacks." He looked down
at the model. "Wow. If this were real the bugs would be
"As big as you."
"Yeah. So. Where do we start?"
Xander asked.
"Oh, Xander." The teacher rose
to her feet. "I've done something really stupid. I hope
you'll forgive me."
"Forgiveness is my middle
name," he said quickly. "Well, it's really LaVelle and
I'd appreciate it if you took that with you to your grave."
He laughed and she returned it, though not nearly so nervously.
"I have a teacher's meeting in half
an hour and I forgot the paint and paper-mache at home. I don't
suppose you'd like to come to my place tonight to work on it
Xander swallowed. *Go to her place?!?*
Come to, uh ... your place?" He wasn't entirely sure that he
hadn't misheard her. *Maybe I'm hallucinating again or
"7:30? Here's my address." She
scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to him.
Xander couldn't believe it.
"I'll see you tonight?"
He answered in a high, squeaky voice.
Buffy returned from the stack's carrying
an open book. "Dig this: 'The praying mantis can rotate its
head 180 degrees while waiting for its next meal to walk
by.'" She slammed the book shut with satisfaction.
"Ha!" The exclamation was treated with silence from the
room's three other occupants. "Well, come on, guys.
"Isn't she sort of big for, uh, a
bug?" Willow asked.
"And she is by and large, woman
shaped," Giles continued. Buffy contained her disappointment
at the lack of enthusiasm when Adam spoke up.
"Not necessarily. I know of a, a
woman who could project a false image of her appearance."
Buffy was glad of the support from her
new Watcher and glanced at her best friend and Giles.
"Where did you find this?"
Giles asked. "Keltharthy's Diary's or the Heathelin
texts..." he trailed off, looking at Adam, whose eyes darted
back and forth, not meeting Giles'.
"Um, well, not exactly," Mr.
Pierson replied. "We, um...dated. So, Buffy, what do we know
again?" It was a clear attempt to change the subject
Buffy exchanged a glance with Willow,
but let it lie. She understood about bad break ups and why he
might not want to talk about an ex-girlfriend. "Okay.
Factoid one: Only the praying mantis can rotate its head like
that. Factoid two: A pretty nasty vampire is terrified of her.
Factoid three: Her fashion sense screams 'predator'."
"It's the shoulder pads,"
Willow agreed.
"If you're right, then she could be
a shape shifter or a..." Giles glanced at Adam. "A
perception distorter. On a helpful note, I had a chum at Oxford,
Carlyle, with an advanced degree in entomology mythology."
"I guess we're in luck then,"
Adam said.
Buffy was confused. That was something
she had never heard of before. "Entoma--what?"
"Bugs and fairy tales."
"Oh, I knew that."
"If I recall correctly..."
Giles paused, thinking. "...poor old Carlyle, just before he
went mad, claimed there was some beast..."
He was interrupted by a beep of the
computer. "Buffy, 911! Blayne's mom called the school. He
never came home last night."
"This was the boy who worked with
Miss French last night?" Adam queried.
"Yeah!" Willow exclaimed.
"If Miss French is responsible for...Xander's supposed to be
helping her right now! He has a crush on a giant insect!"
"Okay, don't panic. I'll warn him.
But I need you to hack into the corner's office for me,"
Buffy said, trying to calm her down.
"Well, what are we looking
"Autopsy on Dr. Gregory. I've been
trying to figure out those marks on the corpse... I'm thinking
that they were teeth." The Slayer pointed to the praying
mantis picture in the book. "These should definitely be
brushed after every meal." She turned to Giles. "And
what were you saying about a beast?"
Giles rose to his feet and made his way
to his office. "I have to make a phone call." He turned
and looked at her and Willow. "Um, this computer invasion,
one assumed it is entirely legal?"
The two answered together.
"Of course."
"Don't worry, Rupert," Adam
said. "We weren't here, didn't see it and had no way of
preventing it. You know how teenagers today are."
"Yes, right." Giles continued
to his office.
Adam turned to leave, but Buffy stopped
him. "Where are you going?"
"I was going to get my laptop and
see what I can find out about Miss French. The info is probably
all false, but it should tell us something."
"Laptop?" *A Watcher with a
computer?* So far, Giles had exhibited a downright phobia towards
the object, and a Watcher using a computer seemed strange.
"Aren't you supposed to, like, use some old mystical books,
or something?"
He smiled at her disbelief.
"There's no vow or anything against modern technology."
"Oh. I guess we should get going
Xander turned at the sound of Buffy's
"So, how'd it go with Miss
*Wouldn't you like to know?* He knew
what Buffy thought of his attraction towards the supply.
"Well, it's a bit demanding being
her favourite guy in the universe, but I'll make it
"Xander, she's not what she
He pulled up short and glared at Buffy.
*Of course she's not. Someone likes me and has to be some sort of
horrible monster.*
"I know, she's so much more."
He continued walking.
"Okay, um... I'm gonna tell you
something and I really need you to listen, okay?"
"Okay." *Maybe she's jealous,*
he thought. *After all, hope springs eternal and all that.* He
knew Buffy considered him a friend and nothing else, despite his
"I don't think she's human."
"I see." His voice was
brittle. "If she's not human, she's...?"
"Technically? A big bug."
He laughed as she stared at him.
"I know this is weird," Buffy
said, "but..."
Xander interrupted her. "It doesn't
seem weird at all. I understand completely. You're jealous."
"Look, Buff, there's nothing I can
do about it. There's just, like, this certain chemical thing
between us."
"It's a pheromone. It's a chemical
attractant that insects give off."
Xander couldn't take it anymore and
snapped at her. "She's not an insect! She's a woman and, as
hard as it is for you to accept it, someone might actually find
me attractive! I know I'm no mysterious man handing out leather
jackets, and, while we're here, what kinda girly name is Angel
"Huh? What does that..."
"Nothing! It's just been bugging
me. I gotta go." He left Buffy behind him.
Xander rang the doorbell of Natalie's
house. She answered the door, dressed in a tight black dress.
Xander tried to stop himself from openly staring and only half
"Hi! Come on in!" He entered
the door which Natalie closed behind him. "Should I change?
Is, is this too..."
"No, no." *No!* "It's the
most beautiful chest..dress I've ever seen." He berated
himself for his slip, but she smiled at him and he thought he
might melt into a puddle there in her hallway.
Xander followed her deeper into the
house as she went into the living room. "Thanks. That's
sweet. Martini?" Natalie offered him one of the two glasses
on the table. "Oh, I'm sorry, would you like something
He quickly accepted the drink from her
hand, trying to hide his nervousness.
She laughed. "I just need to relax
a little. I'm kinda nervous around you." Natalie settled
herself on the couch, a move which Xander soon followed.
"You're probably as cool as a cucumber."
*Cucumber, cool, be cool, Xander.*
"I like cucumbers. Like in that
Greek salad thing with yogurt. Do you like Greek food?"
*You're babbling.* "I'm exempting Schwarma of course, I
mean, what's that all about?"
They laughed. Xander focused on trying
to keep his voice calm. He gulped his martini.
"Hohoo! Hello!"
"Cheers!" Natalie replied,
clinking their glasses together.
"Can I ask you a personal
question?" She set down her glass and moved closer to him.
"Have you ever been with a woman before?"
*Oh my.* "You mean like in the same
room?" *She can't mean what I think she means.*
"You know what I mean." Her
voice was low.
"Oh, that, um," He was
distracted by Natalie running her fingers through his hair.
"Yeah, there was, uh, several, I mean, quite a few times,
she was incredible...No, uh-uh."
"I know. I can tell."
"You can?" The question was
more reflex than coherence.
"Oh. I like it. You could say that
I...need it."
*God!* "Oh, well, needs should be
met, uh, as long as it doesn't require ointments the next
day...or..." *Xander, what are you doing? You love Buffy!*
*Shut up!* he yelled at his inner
conscience, until he noticed that there really was someone
yelling, a muffled sound coming through the walls.
"Do you hear..."
"Sounds like someone
"I don't hear anything." The
grip of her hand on his brought his mind away from the noises.
Xander leaned back, unable to keep sitting upright, speaking
thoughts that his inner voice had been telling him aloud.
"Buffy. I love Buffy. Wow! So
that's a martini, huh?"
She nodded. His head lolled to the side
as he began to loose control over himself. "Your hands
are...really...serrated. I...I...really think I have to..."
He lost consciousness too soon to see
that he was being dragged away by two large claws.
Part 3 ------
Xander was groggy when he awoke. He
looked around at the bars of his cage, trying not to listen to
the strange, squishing noises. Grabbing the bars, he pulled
himself up. It was then he spotted the giant mantis preparing her
"Miss...French?" His voice
combined disbelief, horror and fear.
"Please, call me Natalie."
Giles was frustrated. He was still
trying to convince the person on the other end of the line to let
him talk to Carlyle. "Frankly, madam, I haven't the faintest
idea what time it is, nor do I care. Now, unlock his cell,
unstrap him and bring him to the telephone immediately," he
said as if explaining to a small child and his accent became more
clipped. "This is indeed a matter of life or death!"
"I got it!" Willow exclaimed
as the computer displayed the needed information.
"Coroners report, complete with ...Yuk!...colour
Buffy walked up behind her and Adam
looked over from his laptop, his face impassive.
"They are teeth marks. Which match
perfectly with the praying mantis." Buffy continued reading
over Willow's shoulder.
"I, I don't like this."
Willow's voice was nervous and disturbed.
"It's the way they feed, head
first. They also do that while they mate, the female bites off
"No, no, no! See? Xander's, I like
his head! Its where you find his eyes, his hair and his
s-smile." *No, not Xander.*
"Relax, Will. He isn't in any
immediate danger. I saw him leave and he's probably safe at home
right now."
Adam spoke up. "Maybe you should
check on him, just in case. You'll feel better if you know he's
Xander backed up in his cage, away from
the sight in front of him. He jumped at the near whimper from the
one side."
The guy he'd wished many various
torments on previously was babbling in fear. "Oh, God! Oh,
"Are you alright?"
"Oh God!" Blayne took a
breath, stopping his chant for divine intervention. "You
gotta get me outta here! You gotta! She, she, she gets you,
"What?" Xander asked.
"...she, she..."
"What does she do?" he
snapped. *I'd like to know before it happens.*
He tried a coaxing tone. "Blayne.
What does she do?"
"Oh, God, Oh, oh, not! She,
she...she, she takes you outta the cage and she ties you up and,
and...she... she starts movin and thrombin and these
eggs come shoo-in' out of her! And then..."
"And then..."
"Then what?"
"She mates with you!"
Blayne continued. "That's not the
worst part!"
"That's not?"
"See her teeth? Right, when, you
know...I saw her do it! I don't wanna die here!"
"Blayne! Chill! It's okay. We'll
get outta this."
He turned towards Xander hopefully.
"You gotta plan? What is it?"
*I do?* "Just let me, uh, perfect
Obviously giving up all hope, Blayne
returned to his previous mantra, rocking back and forth.
"Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God..."
"I, I understand Carlyle. Yes...I,
I'll take every precaution. Oh, absolutely. It sounds exactly
like the creature you described. You, um, were right all along
about everything. Well, n-no, you werent right about your
mother coming back as a Pekinese, but, uh... Yes, I'll keep
looking for her... Try to rest, old man... Ta! Bye now!"
Giles hung up the phone and walked out of the office towards the
"Dr. Ferris Carlyle spent years
transcribing a lost pre-Germanic language. He kept his discovery
to himself until several teenage boys were found dead. Then, he
went hunting it..." Giles' voice trailed off.
Buffy urged him to continue while Willow
listened. "It begin..."
"Uh, he called it a She-Mantis. Its
a type of Kleptes-Virgo. An, um, Virgin thief. They appear in
many cultures. Greek sirens, Celtic sea maidens, who, who,
*Anytime this century,* Buffy thought.
"Come on, Giles, while we're still young."
Adam spoke up. "Basically, they
appear as beautiful women and lure virgins back to their lair.
Don't they teach mythology in school these days."
*Oh.* It was obvious to Buffy that Giles
had been attempting to find a way to soften the blow, especially
after the look he directed in Mr. Pierson's direction.
"Virgins? Well, Xander's not, I
mean, he's probably..."
Willow rose to her feet, agitated,
picking up on Buffy's worry. "...gonna die," she
continued and moved hurriedly to the phone.
"Okay." Buffy paced around
Giles and Pierson. "This thing is breeding and we need to
find a way to sniff it." She turned to face Giles
expectantly. "Any tips on the snuffing? A gallon of Raid?
"Um, Carlyle recommends cleaving
all body parts with a sharp blade."
*That I can do.* "Okay, Slice and
"What ever you do, it must be
certain and quick. this creature is extremely dangerous."
"you buddy Carlyle faced it and
he's still around."
"In a straight jacket, howling his
innards out day and night."
"Nice mental image, Giles. Way to
inspire the troops. Have you got any more encouraging things to
say, 'cause, if you do, I'm not sure I want to hear them."
"Xander's not home! He told him mom
he was going to his teacher's house to work on a science project.
He didn't tell her where." Willow's voice cracked under the
worry for her closest friend since kindergarten. *She's going to
kill him. Xander's going to die.*
Buffy's voice cut short her negative
thoughts. "Giles, go see if you can record bat sonar and
fast! Will, if you can find her address of the sub. rolls."
"Already done." Adam's voice
stemmed off Willow's panic slightly. *We'll find him. We have to
find him.*
"Bat sonar, yes?" Buffy nodded
towards Giles. "Why?"
"Bats eat them. Its sonar makes
their nervous system go kaplooey."
"And I would find this sonar
"The vid library. Its dark and
musty, you'll feel right at home, go!" She exhaled deeply.
"You two look at the stuff on Miss French, I'll deal with
the armory." Bufy walked off leaving Willow with Adam.
"So, what do we have?"
"Well, according to this she was
born in 1907."
"She's, like, 90 years old!"
"She's an idiot, 90 years old or
This stopped Willow short.
"Fake ID's aren't that hard to get.
If she had any brains at all she'd have an identity that matched
her physical appearance. Of course, this could also be a bad
"Bad how? If she really isn't that
"She might have done it because no
one has ever come close to stopping her before so she doesn't
"Oh. Right, that isn't good."
Xander continued to pound on one of the
bars as Blayne watched. "Don't do anything to make her
mad!" *Please, don't notice. Please, don't notice...*
He watched as Xander managed to pull out
the bar. Maybe they could escape after all. *If I get out of
this, I'll never even look wrong in his direction. God, I swear*
"Hey, alright, now I can get outta my cage!" *Wait a
minute.* "Into yours. What'd you do that for?"
"A weapon!" was the reply.
Blayne felt himself shiver when he saw
*her* approaching. "I think you're gonna need it..."
Giles returned holding the tape
recorder. "Recording bat sonar is something soothingly akin
to having one's teeth drilled."
"Great," Buffy exclaimed
almost cheerily. "Will, Pierson?"
"Got the address."
"Let's roll."
"Oh, God!" Blayne went through
the hole into Xander's cage. "He did that. He broke the
cage. Take him! Not me, him!"
"What now, exactly? We can't just
kick the door down." The four of them looked up at the
modest little house that was the abode of the ruthless killer.
"Yeah, that would be wrong."
She raised her leg to kick, but the door
opened. *Huh?* Standing in the doorway was a small, fragile
looking old woman.
"Hello, dear! I thought I heard...
Are you selling something? I'd like to help you out, but... I'm
on a fixed income."
"I'm looking for Miss French."
"I'm Miss French."
"Natalie French, the substitute
biology teacher?" *This is very strange.*
The woman laughed. "Goodness,
that's me! I taught for over thirty years. How did you
Buffy glanced around at her compatriots.
"I can't believe this! She used Miss French's records to get
into the school. She could be anywhere!"
"No, dear. I'm right here."
"What's she doing?" Xander
watched as the, the creature turned her head back and forth
between the two of them.
"I think it's eeny, meeny,
"Moe." *Shit!*
Part 4 ======
Natalie opened the cage for Xander to
crawl out. He came, bar in hand.
"I'm comin'. I'm comin'."
Swinging the bar as heavily as he could,
Xander attempted to force the Mantis creature away from him. She
staggered, giving him the opportunity he'd been looking for.
Gathering his strength, he made a break for the stairs that would
lead him to safety.
*Almost there--5 steps, 4 steps, 3
steps! I'm gonna make it!* This happy thought was cut off by the
claw that managed to trap his foot, tumbling Xander back down the
"What do we do now?" Willow
"Prayer springs to mind,"
replied a worried Giles.
Buffy spoke up. "She was walking
past this neighbourhood with grocery bags. She has to live around
here somewhere."
Willow headed in the direction of the
houses. "I'm gonna start banging on doors."
Buffy grabbed her arm, stopping her.
"Wait! We don't have time for that."
"And what would you suggest, Miss
Summers? Wait for his dying screams to give us a general
She glared at Adam. "That's not
what I had in mind." The Slayer headed in the direction of
the manhole cover where Mr. Claw had made his escape the previous
night. "Don't worry. This shouldn't take long."
Xander struggled with the leather
straps, attempting, without hope, to escape.
"Oh, yeah, here it comes!"
Blayne exclaimed, far too happily in Xander's opinion.
"What? What's happening?!"
"How do you like your eggs, bro,
over easy or sunny side up?"
"Eggs? She's gonna lay eggs?"
But it was happening, right in front of his eyes. *God, please. I
want to live. I don't want to die like this.* He flashed back to
the lecture on the California Mantis from what seemed like years
ago. *Please, I don't want to die. Please.*
Claw Guy swung his arms in Buffy's
direction. *I don't think so. I have to save Xander*. With quick,
efficient movements, she avoided the deadly weapon and flipped
the vampire onto his front. "Be a good boy and sit."
Taking the rope, she pulled the monster's arms and tied them
tightly behind his back. Then the Slayer used the rope to lever
him to his feet and pushed him into the open.
"Me!" Buffy replied. She
continued to shove him violently down the street.
Willow was quiet as they followed Buffy
and her captive vampire. She really hoped Buffy knew what she was
doing. Visions of Xander's mutilated body drifted in front of her
eyes. *Please, Xander, be all right. You've lived on the
Hellmouth all your life. You can survive this.*
"Come on!" Buffy yelled. The
strain of the situation was obviously getting to her as well.
"Where is she? Which house? I know you're afraid of her.
Come on."
Suddenly, the vampire attempted to
struggle out of the Slayer's grip even more violently then
before. He quivered and squirmed, but the Chosen One held onto
him tightly.
"This is her, isn't it? This is her
house. Better than radar!" Buffy released Claw Guy, allowing
him to free himself of his bonds.
*Oh no!.* "Buffy!" Willow
The Claw man swung at Buffy, but he
wasn't fast enough. The Slayer avoided his strike, only to fall
helplessly to the ground over a miniature fence. Willow watched
as her friend crawled backwards on the ground away from the
vampire. Buffy grabbed a piece of the damaged fencing and plunged
it into Claw Guy's heart. The three observers breathed a sigh of
The muffled call for help reached Giles
through the basement window. *He's still alive. Thank God.*
Buffy smashed the window and slided in
to help her friend.
"Hey, hello. In the cage,"
called a voice that Giles didn't recognize, but was definitely
Buffy reached and pulled her bag through
the window. "Let him go!" Willow, Adam and Rupert
followed through the small opening. Buffy pulled out the cans of
insect repellent from her bag, getting Natalier in the face.
The Virgin-Thief stagged back, but Giles
was too busy the appreciate it. He went to where Xander was tied
and began to remove the bonds. *Bloody hell,* he mentally snarled
at one stubborn binding.
"Get them outta here, Giles."
Buffy pulled out the tape recorder and a machete from the bag.
Natalie retreated away from the Slayer and hissed at her.
"Remember Dr. Gregory? The guy you
killed? Yeah, well, he taught me to always do my homework. You
learn stuff, like what happens when you hear this." Buffy
pressed the button and Giles heard his own voice coming from the
machine. "...extremely important to file not simply
"It's the wrong side! Turn it
over!" *Don't die because of this.*
Natalie knocked both weapons from
Buffy's hands and Giles watched helplessly as the recorder flew
by him and under a refigerator. He scrambled over to it,
searching as quickly as possible. *This is my fault.*
Xander sprayed the creature in the face
with more insect repellent. Giles couldn't pay much attention to
the fight, attempting to find the recorder. Suddenly Buffy had a
dagger in her hand and forced Natalie away from her.
*The recorder!* Giles pushed the play
button down and the singularly unpleasant sound of a forty foot
bat echoed through the basement. The slayerettes winced, but the
effect on the monster was much more drastic.
The mantis flailed her claws, unable to
gain control of her own body.
"Bat sonar," Buffy said.
"Screws up your whole nervous system. "
Giles watched as she handed the dagger
to Adam and picked up the machete.
"Well...I would say that it's, um,
deceased," Giles stated.
"And dissected," continued
Willow, relieved.
"You okay, Buff?" Xander
"You were right. I'm an idiot and
God bless you!" Buffy lowered her head at the statement.
Xander turned to everyone else.
"Thank you, too."
"Yeah, really!" Blayne agreed.
"I'm really glad you're okay. It's
so unfair how she only went after virgins." Xande laughed at
Willow's statement, but then realized what she had said.
"I mean, you guys are doing the
right thing, when a lot of other boys your age..."
Blayne interupted her. "I am
"Well, you see, that's the
She-Mantis' modus operandi," Giles stated. "She only
preys on the pure."
"My dad's a lawyer. Anyone who
repeats this is gonna find themselves facing a lawsuit."
"Shut up, Blayne." *Look at
what happened to us and that's all you care about. We're lucky to
be alive. Not that I want this going around either.*
"I think it's really sweet. Nothing
to be ashamed of..."
Xander stopped paying attention and
picked up the machete. He looked at it for a long moment before
beginning to destroy it.
The group walked slowly down the street.
Xander lagged behind, thinking about what could have happened to
him, when Mr. Pierson came up to him.
"Are you sure you're alright, Mr.
Xander glared at him. *Go away. * He
practically threw the thought in the direction of the Brit.
The man smiled as if reading his
thoughts. "It could have been worse."
"How? This all just proves that all
their thoughts about my incompetancey are true. Xander the Moron
strikes again. Buffy is never...I mean, there's mysterious jacket
giving guy and well..." *Xander, don't babble. It just digs
deep holes and places your foot in your mouth.*
"One--you're alive. I would count
that as a good thing."
Xander could only agree. *Where there's
life there's hope.*
"Any other encouraging
"Well, at least she wasn't very
He stared at the teacher in disbelief.
"So, why would you say that?"
"Her ID said she was 90 years old.
I would never be that careless. I wouldn't pick people with close
friends or families either. Harder to do, but less chance of
getting caught. Setting herself up as a supply teacher might also
have been a mistake. Who couldn't figure out a connection between
the missing students and the suddenly appeared Miss French?"
"Anything else?"
"I'd pick the victims a bit more
carefully and I wouldn't leave headless bodies lying around. A
body isn't that hard to get rid of."
"Fine, thanks, I wanted to know
that--not. Serial killers 101. I don't want to know what you did
before becoming a Watcher. Nor do I want to know why you are
carrying around a dagger under that coat of yours."
Pierson sighed. "This is the
Hellmouth, and we were going out to kill a creature that turned
Rupert's friend into a howling madman. Call me paranoid, but I
thought backup weapons might be useful."
Xander had to admit he had a point.
That, however, didn't make him any less nervous.
Angel smiled in Buffy's direction.
"I heard a rumor that there was one less vampire making a
nuisance of himself."
"There is. Guess I should thank you
for the tip."
"The pleasure's mine."
"This would be easier if I knew how
to get in touch with you."
"I'll be around."
"Or who you were?"
He just smiled at her again.
"Oh, here's your jacket."
"I looks better on you." With
that, he turned and walked away.
She watched as he turned and looked back
at her before disappearing. *Oh, boy.*
Xander stared at both Buffy and Angel,
watching as she looked after his retreating back. *Well, he's
right. I'm alive. And I guess that means there's hope.*
The End
Author's note: Yes, there really are
Kathkonos. They're a type of vampire. The boiling in vinegar is
also one method of killing them. I've altered them slightly.
Merely a misrepresentation on the part of us mortals have caused
us to mix this obsure vampiric race with the common immortal.
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