By Carole
I'm sure people have noticed that Duncan doesn't
exactly make many appearances on this page. Here's
Disclaimer : They aren't mine. Edward belongs to L.
K. Hamilton. Methos and Duncan belongs to R:P/D. I'm
just borrowing. I promise to return them in the
morning. Of course, Duncan is a little worse for
wear, but I'm sure you can fix him up again.
"Noe! Carole, ye cannot doe this." Duncan's
brogue became thicker as he became more agitated.
"Methos and I are destined to be together, ye
can't give him to this, this, monster." He
glanced warily in Edward's direction and forcibly
calmed himself after noticing the deadly glint in the
assassin's eye. "Killaria should never have
leant you those books."
"What are you complaining about? Half the time
she puts the two of you together. Just because I am
attempting to be different. Why don't you go and
pester someone else?"
"You're the one who always manages to ruin her
Methos pairings too. Now, she keeps setting him up
with vampires."
"I'm sorry to tell you this, Duncan, but I was
originally going to set Methos up with a vampire in
this universe. Edward came to me with a better
"It's not much better. He's a killer, a monster,
an assassin. My poor Methos is about to fall into his
hands because of you," Duncan accused. Edward
reached for his gun and placed it under Macleod's
"Now, boys, come on, let's play nicely. Edward,
put that down. Thank you."
Macleod's face was getting red and he reached under
his coat for his katana. "That goes for you too,
"I'm sure we can work this out. What if you and
Methos were lovers, Duncan? Of course, he manages to
vanish at the worst point in your life, but I'm
afraid it's the best I can do."
Duncan began to protest. Edward's eyes were flinty.
It was obvious he was thinking back to certain
Highlander episodes and fic where Duncan hadn't
exactly been that nice to the man in question.
"Why don't we just ask Methos what he thinks of
the situation?" he said quietly. A quiet Edward
is a frightening Edward and Duncan quickly left the
room, searching for the world's oldest man.
"Now, Edward, I really like the idea, but I
can't let you kill Duncan permanently. Killaria won't
let me."
Edward smiled. "She loves me. I'm sure she'll
find it in her heart to forgive her favourite
"Are you sure you're her favourite? There are so
many serial killers, assassins and profilers
lingering around her brain, I'm amazed she can keep
them straight."
"The same could be said of yourself."
"That isn't the point. Besides, I'm not sure
she'd forgive me. I think I've come up with a
compromise. You can kill Duncan, just not
permanently. He'll act like his usual self, which I
know you can't stand, and gutting him in front of his
friends is sure to make an impression."
As Methos and Duncan entered the room, Edward
replied. "I'll let you know in the
"What the hell is that doing there?" A
large package sat in the middle of the table, tied
with a bright red ribbon. Beside it was a note.
'I think I've solved the problem we discussed. Here's
a little token of my appreciation. -- Edward'
That's odd. Usually presents from Edward consisted of
guns and knives. Wrapping them wasn't one of his
A tug on the ribbon quickly unravelled the bow and,
after a bit of hunting for scissors, the parcel
opened. Two glazed brown eyes stared up at nothing.
*Oh my God! He killed Duncan!*
And that is what happened to my Duncanmuse. For this
series, any Duncan parts have been inspired by
Killaria's Duncanmuse.
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