The Evil Horton Gene
by Tolandria
aka. James Horton's Second Cousin
After the amazing triumph that occurred in June of
2000 when the Human Genome Project announced that
they had finished the working draft of the human
genome, it is hard to believe that anything of that
calibre could be discovered so soon. Well, guess
again because they have. Yesterday, in a press
conference featuring reporters from all around the
world, the HGP unveiled that they had pinpointed the
very cause of evil in the Horton family. Apparently,
a mutation occurred on an autosomal gene which is
very common among this line. This is similar to that
of the Royal family which was know as a carrier of
the disease Hemophilia. After the unspeaking acts
performed by James Horton back in the early 90's,
this news has brought new hope that such things may
some day be eliminated. It is well known that, before
his death at the hands of the good Samaritan Duncan
Macleod, the renegade Watcher was responsible for the
deaths of an undeterminable amount of immortals
including the well beloved Darius. The information
provided by the Human Genome Project may aid in a
preventable measure against the evil Horton gene and,
perhaps, even a cure.
After this announcement, a statement was taken from
the second cousin of the infamous James Horton. She
told reporters this: "This so called 'Evil
Horton Gene' that we are supposedly carriers of, is
nothing but a government plot created to discredit my
family and all that we have achieved. Oh, so now
they're going to find a cure for evil. What next? Why
don't we get rid of all humanities imperfections?
Then, BOOM! Designer human beings who are genetically
perfect are running the world and there's people who
can breath under water for hours. Yeah. I know what
they're planning. It's pure discrimination.
Sure, we've been known to make pacts with the devil
in order to destroy certain secret societies, like
the Legacy. We feed millions of Canadians fattening
doughnuts in a big scheme to clog their arteries with
cholesterol. And maybe one of us decided that it was
beneficial to chop off immortals heads because they
would eventually dominate us. And you know what? One
might think that this was discrimination but I bet
they just can't wait to get their little greedy hands
on this world. You can't tell me that at one time or
another you haven't thought about cutting off Duncan
Macleod of the clan Macleod's head with something
extremely dull and then laughing maniacally. It's in
all of us. It's obvious that the man is an
abomination. Just listen to how he talks about honour
and just think of how many have suffered because of
it. And then there's that stupid long hair of his
which he cut and it looks really good and I never
understood before what all those women saw in him but
now . . . uh. Where was I? Oh, yes, an abomination.
He killed his own kinsmen, Connor Macleod and that's
sick and now I bet he's vulnerable and lonely. I
mean, an abomination. And look at his friend. That
Welsh guy. He's an abomination. There's that accent,
the cute, melting smile with all of those dimples and
that biting sense of humour. Did I mention the tight
jeans? Oh God, I have to go take a cold shower."
No one confirms or denies or even understands what
she was talking about.
Researchers say that the evil Horton gene is dominant
and the first signs of the alteration can show up
even in early youth. These symptoms can include
severe paranoia, incessant nonsensical babbling, the
need to destroy secret societies, raging hormones in
females, the strange need to disown their children,
and basic evil things. Many of the sufferers commit
horrid, inexcusable acts and that is why it is so
important that a way to stop it is found. Whether
James Horton's second cousin is right and it will
only lead to other things, this discovery is ground
breaking despite it being controversial. The Human
Genome Project is expected to make another conquest
when they finish the complete, high-quality sequence
of the human genome.
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