Last Updated : Sept. 29, 2003

Please give me feedback. You can find my email address and my guestbook at the bottom of the page. If you want to give feedback to other authors on this page and I don't have their email address up, pass it on as well. They will get it.

WARNING : In case you missed the warnings page know this : almost all these stories are SLASH. That means homosexual relationships. You have been warned. GO AWAY if you do not like this sort of thing. I'm not holding a gun to your head.

NEWEye of the Beholder


Pairings : Jack/Will

Will discovers that the voices in Jack's head are a bit more real than he thought.


Rurouni Kenshin

Pairings : SanoxKenshin K&K

Sano mourns the loss of something he never had.

Always and Forever

Gundam Wing

Pairings : 13x6

Zechs has been having the oddest dreams lately. Vampire fic.

Little Angel, Black as Sin

Weiss Kreuz / Highlander Xover

Pairings : None

A young Jei meets a Bad Man and is rescued by a most unlikely guardian angel.

What Is Your Pleasure, Sir?

Gundam Wing / ? Xover (It spoils it, but don't worry, you don't need to know anything about the other anyway)

Pairings : 1+2x6 5+6 13x6 3x4/4x3

Zechs and his partner, Wufei, are sent to investigate the mysterious deaths of several Preventor agents. On the rebound from Heero's dissappearance, Duo turns to Zechs, but will love be enough to get them through all they have to face?

CONTEST WINNER : Devil With an Angel's Face

Every Judas

Weiss Kreuz

Pairings : Brad+Nagi one sided Schu+Brad, Farf+Brad

Schuldich watches Farfarello watch Crawford.

Tuberov's Reason

Gundam Wing

Pairings : Dr J + Tuberov

Humor Squick Why did Tuberov had such resentment for the scientists and piloted mobile suits?

Surprise Part 1 Part 2

HL/Wars of Light and Shadow Xover

Pairings : None

In a world torn by hatred, mistrust and war, a certain old immortal suddenly finds the conflict too close for comfort.


Xover Highlander/Brimstone

Pairings : Methos/Kronos slashiness kinda

Resfic! Kronos escapes from Hell... or does he?

Moments of Clarity a WIP

Xover Highlander/Brimstone

Pairings : Methos/Kronos eventually, Caspian/OMC non-con implied

Caspian Resfic! What if Kronos was not the only one to return? Sequel to "Alone"

A Reflection in Crystal

Xover: Angel/Highlander

Pairings : Angel/Methos slashiness but no sex

Second in the AngelXoverSlash V-Day Contest! Angel meets someone from his past while the Order of Lazaro makes trouble of its own.

Affirmations of Personal Growth - with Killaria

Angel/Highlander/X-Files/Mild Anita Blake

Pairings : Angel/Krycek, Wesley/Gunn (just a little), Angel/Methos

A group of snippets containing 2 stories and interludes between them. They're based on a list entitled "Affirmations of Personal Growth" that I'm sure you'll recognize.

The Angelus and Methos Christmas Special

Highlander/Angel Xover

Pairing : Angelus/Methos

This was my entry in the AngelXoverSlash Christmas Contest where I came in second. Angelus must put up the the gang's attempts to cheer him up without revealing his true identity.

Buffy: Alternates

Highlander/Buffy Xover

Pairing : None yet.

This is an AU where Methos is sent to Sunnydale as a second Watcher after the events of One Minute to Midnight and Judgement Day. It begins in Season One of Buffy, where events begin to deviate, slowly at first, an become almost unrecognizable in the years to come. I only have one story completed and it is the intro story, so there is almost no deviation from the episode at all. This will change as I get furthur into it.

The Death Saga with Killaria

Highlander/Anita Blake Xover

Pairings : Methos/Edward

To prevent interferance by Methos after Archangel, Ahriman sends Methos to an alternate reality, where all the things we consider myths are real. There he meets Edward, the preternatural assassin, known as Death...


Other Authors :

The Evil Horton Gene by Tolandria WARNING : Humour and Canadian Spelling

Xover Highlander/Poltergeist the Legacy

A news report on the newly discovered evil gene and its frequency in the Horton Family. A friend of mine wrote this and I found it quite funny. I believe it may be a product of too many hours spent researching a report on the ramifications of the Human Genome Project.


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