*** Little Angel, Black as Sin By Carole *** Rating : PG Warnings : xover, creepiness Pairings : none Summary : Jei meets a bad man and gets rescued by a very unlikely guardian angel. Weiss/Highlander Xover. Disclaimer : I know they aren't mine. But a girl is allowed to dream, right? Right? *** It was dark. This was not the absolute black of midnight, but the gray of shadows and oncoming storms. In the sky was the promise of rain, shown by the shifting clouds above. On this bleak day, Jei shivered with cold and fear, wrapping his arms around himself with his hands tucked under his armpits and biting his lower lip, which had already become raw. Mama, Sister Ruth and God would be so disappointed in him. He’d been warned against going off by himself so many times. They said it was dangerous. But he really hadn’t meant to, he’d just lost sight of mama and, no matter how hard he’d looked, he couldn’t find her anywhere. There had been too many people in the crowded streets, all so much bigger than he, blocking his way. Jei had tried his best to be good, to find her, but now he was lost, alone in the cold, damp air which bit into his extremities like a thousand miniature dogs. Eyes scanned from left to right, but now there was no one save a few shadowy figures, indistinct in their activities. Some sixth sense told him that they were to be avoided at all costs. He’d lost track of how far he’d walked and where he had been long before. Now, the buildings had changed from shops to run down edifices of brick and stone, with broken windows and blocked up doors, danger and warning signs clear even to him. Even so, he saw movement inside those buildings. Jei didn’t like it here, not at all. *Jesus, please let me find mama,* he prayed, because hadn’t Sister Ruth told him that God watched over little children like him especially? That they had guardian angels. Sometimes, before, Jei had tried to see his, but he’d never managed. But he knew that they didn’t show themselves unless you needed them, not on the whims of a child. "You lost, little boy?" The voice was scratchy and the tone made the hairs on the back of his neck rise. "Need any help finding your way home?" Jei turned. If the patches had not faded with time to a dull brown, the man would have looked like a clown. As it was, he was a sinister figure, one eye turned on Jei while the other refused stubbornly to focus on anything. That one good eye though, seemed to pick him apart all too clearly. That was not why he suddenly knew more fear than he had felt even before. It was the slight smile, the one that looked like his sister’s cat as it eyed birds outside the window, that made him freeze. This was a Bad Man. "No, sir. I don’t need any help, sir." Fervent prayers were directed upwards, passing through the clouds into the heavens above. The man came forward anyway and Jei instinctively moved backwards. "Don’t worry, you don’t have anything to be scared of from old Mike." The smile continued, though it lessened a little as Jei continued to back away. He ran then, feet hitting stone as he pushed himself blindly past the man, leaving him behind. Not knowing where to go, he turned directions on instinct. It was when he moved into a narrow way between two buildings, eyes blurry and watering, that he realized he’d made a mistake. There was no way out of the alley. The fence of boards and wire was too high for him to climb. It blocked his escape like an ancient dragon, invincible in its towering bulk. "Why are you running? Old Mike isn’t going to hurt you." There was nowhere for him to go. *Hide,* an inner voice whispered. Glancing behind him, he made out the movement as a shape turned the corner. *Help me. I promise I’ll never wander off again. I’ll be a good boy.* Like the miracle it was to Jei, he noticed the door that panic had blocked from his sight mere moments before. Rushing up, he leaned against it, his small frame straining, feet slipping on muck and garbage as he pushed at it in vain. He was simply too small and weak. Jei’s head hung in defeat. Below him, the door cracked into a jagged mouth of wooden teeth just above the ground, the victim of years of abuse and neglect. If it had been a year ago, he would never have doubted his ability to slip inside. Now, however, it was not nearly so certain. But there was nothing else to try. Jei dropped to his knees and onto his belly, his hands reaching inside the opening, catching on nails and wood that jammed itself into his hands. Grime covered him and, as he tried to wriggle through the hole, scratches and scrapes appeared, clothing ruined, as pieces of glass and wooded embedded themselves in flesh. He pushed himself through anyway. *Move, move faster.* The little light from the opening suddenly shadowed and *something* reached out and grabbed his foot, pulling him backwards. His face fell to the ground as he was dragged, but he kicked with all his might and pulled and pushed and wriggled. The hand loosened for an instant, and that was all he needed. He pulled himself swiftly forward, not caring as his pant leggings became caught on an exposed nail, tearing both them and, as he jerked forward, himself in a sharp moment of pain. He restrained a quiet whimper and scrambled to his feet. The door shuddered as something fell against it, repeatedly. Keeping his eye on his approaching nightmare, he moved backwards. Step, breath. Step, breath. Step, breath. When suddenly, something warm pressed against his back he almost screamed. A hand came over his mouth, stopping him. "Shhh..." a voice hissed at him, and the hand was removed. "Quiet, little one." The man behind him stood again and walked in front of Jei, standing between him and the door. Which flew open, leaving his savior silhouetted against it. "Why did you run, boy? Mike wasn’t going to do anything bad." "Oh, I doubt that’s what he thought." The words were in familiar English, but they sounded odd, as if the mouth they came from shaped them differently than any tongue he knew, going from mere words into a deep bass melody. Mike wasn’t looking at Jei; he was looking at the man. For that, the boy was grateful. The same sense that had warned him before came back in greater force. Like static, the feeling of power rose and swirled about the darkness, a living thing that caressed him coldly. The man chuckled. "And, I think the boy was right." Mike took a step back. At first Jei thought it was from the force the man exuded, but the other’s eyes had moved away from him, beyond Jei into something behind, widening as they did so. "I didn’t see anything. No sir, not me. Not a thing." "Of course, people like you never do." And Mike backed out the door and ran as Jei stood like a statue, frozen as he watched. The being turned towards him and Jei’s sense of ‘otherness’ was reinforced. The man was a sharp contrast of colors, skin so pale it looked like it had never seen the light of day, with hair that was somehow deeper in shade than the darkness surrounding it. But not as dark as the eyes, which were pits he found himself falling into. Until they lit from within with some unknown power as the man crouched down to his eye level. "Well, you seemed to have found just the wrong place to be at the wrong time. What’s your name, boy?" Jei didn’t want to tell him, but it slipped out anyway. He knew he couldn’t lie or stay silent. "Jei, sir." An almost paternal smile graced the other’s lips, almost. There was, however, a predatory edge to it that Mike could never match, even as subtle as it was. "Are you lost, Jei?" Jei said nothing. "I think you are. Would you like to go home?" Jei looked down at the ground for a minute before nodding, staring at the black boots that were splattered with something that seemed to be mud until you looked at them more closely. "Well, your family must be worried about you. You know it’s bad for children to run off on their own. Who knows what they might run into?" Eyes glittered again as Jei watched and opened his mouth without intending to. "Are you an angel? Like Sister Ruth told me about?" The laughter the followed his question seemed to say that his idea was the most ridiculous idea that had ever been, but Jei knew that it wasn’t true. This man wasn’t normal at all. "Why do you ask? Because I saved you?" "No." Jei shook his head. "Because you feel... old, sir, and strong." At this, the man’s face took on a more curious cast and the laughter ceased. "So you can tell that, can you? You’re a very strange little boy. All right then, I’ll ask you a question. Would an angel do that?" One hand brushed his cheek, turning his face into the darkness and away from the door that he had been facing all along. At first it was just an anonymous shape, a pile of something indecipherable, but it did not remain so. He stiffened as that shape took on familiar limbs, the body splayed out as if displayed just for his eyes, and Jei swallowed with a dry throat awkwardly. "Don’t you like what you see?" The man raised one hand and silver glittered from a knife Jei hadn’t realized he was holding until now. It moved to just in front of his face, closer and closer, until it stopped, brushing his eyelashes gently. Jei didn’t move. "If thy eye offends thee, pluck it out. Isn’t that what your God says to do?" Flash. The point moved, brushing against his eyebrow with a gentle caress. "Would you like me to make you stop seeing, little Jei?" There was silence, as his mind worked over everything, following the sharp death so close to him. "Why?" he asked finally. "Because I wanted to." Jei blinked. "Oh, isn’t that reason enough? Mortals are vermin, and this one was annoying me." It was not surprising at all that the being separated itself from humanity. The knife-edge trailed down his cheek, pressing just hard enough to cut. He turned back to the man, who raised the blade to his lips, licking the tip clean. Jei shivered. "You shouldn’t let this bother you. You eat the blood and flesh of your own God. Like to try?" He wanted to run, but he couldn’t. There would be no escape. This was indeed far from an angel. This was a demon. The monster, for this was no man, slashed open his own hand without flinching and Jei watched in horror as the wound knitted itself closed before his eyes, nothing remaining but a dark smear of red. Then he looked up, at the head cocked slightly to the left in contemplation. "Pain is just flesh. It is the anguish of the mind, the soul, that matters. Of course, once the flesh breaks, the mind follows and that is the sweetest of all." One skilled hand flipped the knife upwards in front of his eyes, holding it steady before him. Jei swallowed once again, before opening his mouth, leaning forward. The blade was cold, the metal smooth as he moved upwards and the taste of salt and copper filled his mouth. But he was not careful enough and knew some of it was his own as the edge caught his tongue. He forced himself to swallow the foul substance under that grinning gaze. With that, the creature stood, towering over him. One hand reached out and firmly grasped his own in a tight, almost painful, grip. "Come." And with that simple word he was practically dragged outside, as the glittering blade vanished from sight, hidden somewhere within the clothes that were not nearly so heavy as the aura surrounding them. Fear distorted time, it was both forever and an instant as the alley passed them by, as the streets became once more familiar and populated, until they were simply a father and his young son out for a walk as far as anyone could guess. But Jei knew he was no safer. No matter where he was, he wouldn’t be safe. Then he heard his mother’s voice, yelling his name frantically. He resisted the urge to pull away, to run to her, so that the demon would ignore her as well. "Do you want to know why I’m not going to kill you yet, Jei? Because I think you’ll understand someday, once you see past all the lies around you. Remember that when the time comes. So, run on home, back to your little God. Someday you’ll find out there are older powers." Dark eyes stared into his. "I’m sure you’ll meet me or one of my brothers when you do." The grip released his own and he ran towards that familiar voice, moved with all his might towards his mother and safety. "Mama! Mama!" "Jei! I was so worried about you. Where did you run off to?" "I’m sorry, mama. I got lost. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry..." the litany continued off small lips as warm, loving arms wrapped around him, his mother gripping him close. "Shhh... It’s okay now, mama’s here." Jei looked over her shoulder. One black eye winked shut at him and teeth appeared in the grin that followed, until the rain promised so much earlier poured down coldly. It plastered his hair on his forehead, washing away tears that now blurred his eyes. He blinked them clear, but when he dared to look again, the dark figure was gone. //Someday you’ll understand... we’ll meet again// No, he would never understand. Didn’t want to understand such things. Demons should be left alone, that was what everyone said. And so her repeated one of the things that Sister Ruth had taught him over and over again. *The Devil lies, the Devil lies...* He would be safe. God would protect him. No matter what had been said, he knew that was why he was still alive. He hugged his mother closer. No one had to know about this, he knew they would worry if he told them. *** Caspian pushed his hair back from his eyes as he looked up into the falling rain, smiling as he walked. The immortal moved through even the worst neighborhoods with the confidence of a superior predator back to his kill. The Watcher had finally decided that Caspian was not worthy of the Prize and that he should take him out of the running early. Fool. Unlike so many younglings, he knew about his stalker, who had been the stalked without realizing it. But that was not what made him smile. The nuisance had been put to an end too quickly, without the artistry he would normally have allowed himself. This way, the Watchers would take care of their own. Their own corpses, that is. No, what made him smile was little Jei’s parting gaze, as the boy searched in vain for the monster who would now be sure to haunt his nightmares, red hair flattened and wild, clothes torn, cheek bleeding. At first, he didn’t know what had made him spare the boy, why he hadn’t killed him immediately. Perhaps it was his utter helplessness, his innocence. Or perhaps it was the hint of gold that had flashed in those too intelligent eyes that reminded him of his brother, though his brother had never been innocent, not as long as Caspian had known him. No, Death was as much the monster as Caspian himself, the only innocence about him contrived to trick his victims into his waiting embrace. More likely, though, was the way a boy had seen what he truly was: an immortal, a god of an older time, Famine himself. And he had been amused, as only one above the cattle that crawled this earth could be. There was no doubt that this boy, for all his faith now, would be like them either, mortal though he was. Caspian had never possessed Methos’ uncanny intelligence, or Kronos’ mad brilliance, but he had something else, something that made all of his brothers listen even as they scoffed at his ideas. Caspian had instincts, refined my millennia into something almost supernatural. They were why he escaped detection again and again, why he was always successful in what he did, why he had lived as long as he had when those more skilled died young. They were always right. Always. And he felt it in that boy’s eyes. The future hung about him like a cloak. Someday, he would return to Ireland to see how right he was. Now, however, he had to prepare for his trip. It was time to become Evan Caspari, for Romania was waiting. Yes, he would have to meet little Jei again. For that future was black, as black as sin, and he had not had an interesting hunt in much too long. END Notes : For those of you not familiar with Highlander, or those of you who are that are still confused as to Caspian is, I will add a little explanation. Caspian is an immortal, at least 3000 years old, who was in one episode of the series entitled "Revelations 6:8" as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. He was rescued by his ‘brothers’ Methos, Kronos and Silas from a Romanian insane asylum where he had been confined in solitary after driving several of his doctors insane, as well as injuring fellow detainees. The doctor states that they aren’t sure how many people he’s killed, but they found parts of them in the freezer, in the basement... you get the idea. I am of the feeling, though, that he is actually quite intelligent, or at least canny, since he must not have been caught before in modern times. So, he was probably planning to ditch his identity just before he was captured, which was why he hadn’t yet disposed of the evidence. I had to let someone that twisted meet Farf. I considered having it happen later, but the timelines didn’t mesh, plus I don’t think Caspian and Farfie would get along so well. So, Caspian got to meet Jei instead and mess with the boy’s head. Just so you know, one of the arguments my best friend used to convince me to try to get into Weiss was "You like Caspian, so you’ll like Farfarello." She was right, too. ~grin~ Too bad Caspian is dead. He had a run in with White Knight MacLeod and became a foot shorter. So, it’ll have to be Methos who meets Schwarz if I do decide to keep going with this idea. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be inspired again at some later date. Suggestions are welcome.