Weird Sano introspection written at 2:30 AM, keeping me from sleep. Yes, I know it has been done before, but I was forced, I swear! If there are any errors, or confusion, feel free to let me know so I can try to fix them. It has been a while since I've watched the series. I was just reminded suddenly of some of the *looks* and chemistry that passed between the pair, especially in season 1 (though I didn't mind the SxS vibes in season 2), that K and K just didn't have to me. So, here you are. I'm not the only one who's bitter. ==================================================== Disclaimer: I don't own them. But I want to. Does that count for anything? Warnings: shounen ai, angst Rating: PG Summary: Sano mourns the loss of something he never had. SanoKen ==================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Never By Carole ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He's not mine, never has been. When we almost touched, when he looked in my eyes and stared right through and into me, I could delude myself. I could have hope. And I did, for longer than I should have. It was doomed from the beginning. Saitou is right. I am a weakness and I am weak. I am not strong enough to cut ties and emotions that shackle me. I'm not sure I want to even as I hate myself for it. I met him as an enemy. In turn, he saved me and I was lost. Have you heard tales that some souls are split apart before birth and those fortunate and blessed find the missing part in someone else? I had never believed such women's stories until I lay in the dust at his feet and I knew that they were all true. I had found something I hadn't even realized I was missing, which sounds stupid when I even think it, but it was true none the less. At first it seemed the same for him. We had an intensity, an understanding, that he shared with no one else. It was a bond strong enough to keep us together through trial after trial. But it wasn't. We were together, and yet we weren't. Whatever part of himself he had found in me was not what I had found in him. The promises that had remained unsaid stayed that way. I brushed that crimson waterfall from his eyes and he turned away. He didn't even say goodbye. Not to me, anyway. I could not accept that, not after everything we almost were. So I followed him, as I still do even when he doesn't realize he needs me. I followed him, and I dragged his ragged near-corpse back from Shishio's hell when it was finished and I did not show what should not be seen. I brought him back, to everyone who cared for him, to her. Even as I joked about the pair, even as I pushed them together, it burned me inside all the more. I wished it were me. Then, he turned to her. It was something I could not change. He cared for me, but he loved her. That's what hurts most. I accepted him, as he was, even the golden-eyed killer that lurked under the surface. I loved him for and in spite of it. She never could accept that Kenshin. He had to always be the peaceful wanderer that she wanted and loved. He was, for her. She made him change from what he was into what she wanted. And he let her, no matter what it cost either of us. So, here I am, as he smiles at me and I return it with a grin though inside I'm brittle. I clap him on the back, making him stumble and his eyes squint as he regains his balance with that silly smile plastered on his face. "Sano," his tone more playful than annoyed, "Karou-dono will be angry if I drop the tofu for dinner, that she will." "Can't have the Missy do that. We need you alive to get a decent meal." He shakes his head and laughs at my poor attempt at humor that I don't even feel. I turn my head away, eyes gazing as the wind rips leaves from branches to fall as green raindrops onto the grass. It pushes moisture across my cheek and I blink, denying the existence of tears as they dry into streams of mere saltiness on skin. Is it right to cry over the loss of something you never had? END