*** Chapter 5 : Follow the Yellow Brick Road *** Where are you going? Where have you been? \\Follow this road to its end\\ Who are you? What do you want? \\For just around the bend\\ The road we take shapes us as much as our steps. \\Waits our destination\\ Where we end up may not be as important as how we got there. *** They arrived at the Winner estates slightly bedraggled, having slept on the trip over and gone directly to the scene, then here. Some people might have been haunted in sleep by the things they had seen on this mission, but Wufei had not been bothered by it. He already had enough ghosts that there weren't room for any more to occupy his attention. Duo, however, was apparently not so unaffected and continually muttered in his sleep, words that Wufei just couldn't quite understand and the distraction showed in the bags under his eyes. Duo waltzed up to the door and rang the bell as Wufei pulled his hair back and fixed the ponytail that had come loose. The silk strands slipped from his fingers yet again, not wanting to stay confined. They had already gone past security so the household knew that they were coming. Wufei gritted his teeth and pulled the ponytail out yet again, his vision now obscured as his hair followed gravity downwards. "Damn it," he muttered under his breath. Nothing was working today. A shape moved at his side. "Do you want me to help with that?" Zechs asked. The stubborn part of him was tempted to say that he could do it fine himself, but it was ZECHS and obviously he couldn't. And so he was silent as his partner took the band from his fingers, skin brushing against his. Long elegant fingers snaked through his hair, pulling it backwards gently and Wufei felt his eyes flicker close. He felt like a cat getting his ears scratched. Flick. The right side of his hair was pulled back, then the left. Flick. He felt Zechs twist the band and unconsciously leaned backwards. "There. Is that better?" "Mmhum." Wufei nodded, humming in the back of his throat. There was a cough and he jerked his eyes open. A dignified older man in the suit of an old fashioned butler was looking at them disapprovingly. As was Duo, whose eyes had narrowed dangerously. "Master Quatre is waiting for you. If you will follow me." *** It was Trowa who had let them inside, swinging the doors to the office wide, Quatre close beside him. It was unsurprising how much stuff someone of Quatre's connections could dig up in such a short time, especially about someone so well know. Zechs wondered at the unfairness of it all. Jean Manning had been an amazing person, dragging her family out of dept into a multimillion dollar operation in a year as well as spending much of her newfound wealth helping the less fortunate results of the war. And as far as anyone could tell, she'd kept her nose clean. But there was something that caught his attention. "You said that one of the freelance ships she'd hired went missing and she was investigating it?" "Yes. And we think she may have been close to finding something." Quatre exchanged a glace with Trowa at the same time he looked over at Wufei and Duo. The latter voiced what everyone was thinking. "We'll just have to find out what." *** Bremand tapped his foot fretfully. It made a crisp sound on the floor below. Things were not working out like he'd planned. It seemed those mysterious deaths were not as untraceable as he thought. His contact within the police department had told him that those blasted Preventors had somehow narrowed in on his location. They were going to have to move the entire operation. It started a few days ago when the lot had arrived on L4 and now they were going to ruin everything. Tap. Tap. He walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a glass and a bottle. He needed to relax. This train of thought circling for what seemed the hundredth time in his head was getting him nowhere. He unstopped the lid, tipping the bottle. If only he could get to them. And why not? But so far there had been no opportunity. He knew exactly what he wanted to do. The others had just been business, but these, they would get something special. Especially Winner. It was obvious he had helped them put the pieces together. He closed his eyes, picturing it, smiling. He had thought this so many times before. It was always the Winners, with their hold over the whole area that held him back. He pictured the little blond brat strung up by his fingernails with satisfaction, smiling. No, how about actual crucifixion... The list when on, a ritual he'd participated in too many time of late. Behind him, on his desk, something moved, but he couldn't see it. Bremand had his eyes closed. *** They'd narrowed down the area with the notes left behind by Ms. Manning. The destruction of her office had not taken everything with her and, thanks to Quatre's resources, they were monitoring the area for signals constantly. Anything to give away their prey. Zechs silently gave thanks to the woman. She had already done most of the work here, allowing them to put together everything they already knew. Trowa's head quirked to the side. "I have something." One hand reached up and put on the speakers, allowing the rest of the room to hear. "Help me." The voice was coarse, as if from too much use. "Please, help me." The voice continued to whisper its plea, turning eventually into mere unintelligible whimpers before dying altogether. There was no visual picture. The five looked at each other. "Can you pinpoint the location?" Trowa nodded at Zechs. *** Like the filaments of a spider's web, the Preventor's spread throughout the ship. What they found was unexpected. Nothing. Or perhaps it should have been expected at this point. At least, that's how it was for a few minutes. "Sir? You should take a look at this." Zechs turned to the source of the voice. The face was unfamiliar, but the woman's tone of shock he knew all too well. Everything about this case had been strange. "Yes?" He answered. "They've found the kitchen. There's still food cooking. It's like they just decided to vanish into thin air." "They probably knew we were coming," he replied, but that didn't explain the other oddities. Like why a distress call had been given, the same distress signal that had led the Preventors right too them. Why abandon such a ship? It was clearly a base of operations, much like Peacemillion had been. He saw Trowa gesture the pilots over to where he was observing the progress of the takeover. With a polite nod to his fellow Preventor, he went to join them. "They've managed to search the entire place. As far as we can tell, it's been abandoned and there don't seem to be any traps." Wufei narrowed his eyes at Trowa. "Are you sure that this is their base? Maybe it's another ship they've attacked." "It's possible, but why would they leave something so valuable just floating here? It's worth a fortune as scrap alone." "Hm." "About half of the computer systems seem to be down, though all the important ones are still functioning. The one engine is dead." A single green eye swept over them. "The weapons on board are all functional." That could only mean one of two things. That there had been a traitor onboard, or it had been abandoned. If the ship had been attacked, those would be the first things to be knocked out. Quatre placed his hand on Trowa's shoulder, as if to reassure himself with the contact. "I have a bad feeling, there's something there that shouldn't be. Something..." Having heard from Wufei about Quatre's strange talent in this area, Zechs was unsurprised. He had to admit, he had a bad feeling too. Duo spoke up. "Well, I'd like a chance to try and get their computers up and running. Maybe there's something there that will tell us what happened." "For once, Maxwell, you have a good idea." Duo turned a dark look in Wufei's direction, but seemed to let the implied insult slide in exchange for support. "If we bring the ship in, it will give us time to investigate. And I don't think all these people can be spared for much longer. With the weapons functioning, we should have no trouble taking care of ourselves." Wufei nodded at Zechs. "I'll contact Lady Une." *** "Man, it looks like someone took a hammer to it. We're lucky that the life support is still working if this is how all the computers are." The machine in question was going to be a challenge to repair, and one Duo knew he couldn't resist. Most importantly, the memory appeared to be intact. "Well, I'll have to see what I can do with you." Muttering to the empty room, Duo flopped himself down onto the floor and leaned inwards to get a closer look. He was careful not to touch, not wanting to hurt both himself and the computer at this point. "Hm, maybe someone DID take a hammer to it." Parts had literally been smashed or ripped out and scattered across the floor. Though why anyone would want to damage such a beautiful device he didn't know. This was obviously the property of the head of this place. He peered inside again. "What in hell?" Ignoring his own rule not to touch, he reached and pulled the black chain out, careful not to damage anything else as he unhooked the barbed end. This was difficult, since there were three splayed in different directions. **Well, I know what did the damage now. Fuck.** He dangled it in front of his face with his left hand. It was cool to the touch. The end appeared rusted. He reached up and touched it with his right. Something flaked off. **That ain't rust.** //Black in black eyes stared at him. Faces pale as death, and screaming. "This is not for you to see."// His hand gripped convulsively. "Ow. Shit." Blood dripped onto the floor and he dropped the chain that had dug itself into his hand. "It bit me." Duo levered himself to his feet with his good hand, clenching his right one in pain. **Hm, maybe I could get Zechs to kiss it better.** With that thought, he went to hunt down his fellows for medical attention. He glared once again at the offending chain before leaving. **Okay, I hope this doesn't mean I've been right.** He turned away, not noticing as the blood seemed to vanish into the floor beneath it, as did the metal links, melting into oblivion. *** "Um, guys. Where did we put the medical kit?" Three heads turned in his direction. Zechs looked at his injured hand in concern. "Oh, Duo, what did you do?" "Yes, what did you do? We've only been here two hours!" Wufei was ignored by everyone else. "I just cut myself. I don't think it’s too serious. But I'm still weirded out by what cut me." "I'll be right back." Quatre ran off to get bandages. Trowa stood up and let Duo sit in his place. "I was looking at the computer up in the boss' place. It was in pretty bad shape, like something had smashed it up." Zechs nodded and gestured for him to give him his hand. "Let me see this first. I do know some first aid, after all." Duo winced as he opened his hand. Moving it wasn't fun as the skin stretched apart more. "It’s not really that bad, but since it’s on your hand it’s probably going to hurt. You're going to keep moving it without thinking." Duo saw Quatre return and the boy handed Zechs a bottle of antiseptic. The blond man pored it onto the cut and Duo winced as the liquid bubbled. Zechs put several adhesive strips to keep the wound closed. "There, done." "Thanks." He smiled into blue eyes. Zechs smiled back. "No trouble at all. You were saying?" "Oh, yeah." He struggled to regain his train of thought. "Anyway, I was looking at the computer, which is going to need a ton of repairs if we're going to get anything out of it, by the way, and I, well, I found something stuck in it. An iron chain. I mean, what is some sort of medieval torture reject doing in something like that? Unless he was into really kinky, painful sex, I have no idea." Wufei was shaking his head. Zechs, Trowa and Quatre were just looking at him. *** "Damn, where'd it go?" Besides various electrical components, the floor was bare around the area Duo had centered on. Trowa listened with half an ear to Duo as the Deathsythe pilot muttered and swore, intent on his own search of the premises while the others, excluding Wufei, watched Duo expectantly. The Chinese man had called the entire thing a waste of time and was still up in the main control room working. There was a desk, which was where the computer's main controls appeared to be situated. Duo was digging through the cupboard behind it, which hid the actual device. In front of the desk were what seemed to be the remains of several chairs. The walls were lined with more bookshelves and furniture, but overall the effect was Spartan. The previous owner had obviously not been a large fan of comfort versus functionality. The room did not seem to have much personality at all. Something on the floor caught his eye. It appeared to have fallen from one of the shelves and was utterly out of place with the rest of the room. A delicate looking antique box, worked in black and gold. He bent and picked it up. Up close, the work was just as fine as it had appeared from a distance. Strange, for it to be in a place like this. Nothing else seemed to be of interest, though he noted several places in the room used for guards to keep out of sight. "I swore it was right here!" Duo was apparently giving up in defeat. Trowa walked with the box back to his companions as Duo tugged on his braid in consternation. "Notice anything, Trowa?" Quatre asked, turning in his direction. Trowa offered his lover the box, but he tore his hand back as if bitten when he touched it. "What's wrong?" He reached out with his other hand in concern and could feel the blond shiver under his touch. Quatre's reaction, however, had nothing on Duo's. Zechs' eyes had widened when he caught sight of it, but he didn't have the chance to be astonished as Duo jumped backwards and fell into him. Trowa wondered what they knew that he didn't. "Is that what I think it is? Please say I'm wrong." Duo asked shakily. "Maybe your theory wasn't so crazy after all." Trowa knew he would have to get them to explain, but Quatre hadn't stopped shivering yet, so he set the box down and hugged him close until it stopped. *** "I've found something," Wufei said as someone entered the control room. He looked up. Even Duo had returned from his quest, but he seemed pale and shaken. Of course, the way he was clinging to Zechs did nothing for Wufei's mood. "What happened?" he asked almost with resignation. Despite his bad mood, it was difficult to keep his anger up continuously. It was Zechs to answered him. "You remember the information on the Gash that Duo received? Trowa found something that bears a remarkable resemblance to one of the artifact descriptions." He looked at Trowa, who had his arm thrown over one of Quatre's shoulders. Trowa said nothing. "So we are looking in the right place then." It was obvious that whoever it was was obsessed with these demons. It was surprising that someone would go to such lengths, but people like that weren't necessarily the most sane. Duo was looking at him, apparently shocked at his acceptance of the situation. **He probably thinks it really is demons.** Wufei shrugged. He had more important things to worry about. "I've managed to find the original distress message. It seems most of it didn't get sent, something garbled the message and the lack of visual in the one we received." He gestured for the group to gather around the small screen that was still intact and began playing the message. //This is the Prometheus. We are at position 83x9x12 and are in need of assistance.// The voice shook slightly and the man on the screen was sweating. //I repeat. This is the Prometheus. We are at position 83x9x12 and are in need of immediate assistance.// There was a clatter as several people ran into the room and the door shut with a woosh. The message continued recording despite the distraction. //What is it?// //Block the door!// //You have a hand welder?// //Quick man, move. They've got half the ship!// //What!// //Hurry, move it.// //Fuck, go faster.// //I repeat, this is the Prometheus. We are under attack. We are at position 83x9x12. They're inside the ship. We don't know how they got in.// //Oh shit.// The picture went dark as the lights flickered out. The man was lit now by the eerie changing colors of buttons and computer readouts. Now instead of shaking, his voice cracked with fear. //83x9x12, we are under attack. Someone, please respond.// //They're getting through.// There was a grown of overstressed metal. The man in the picture turned and his eyes widened in horror at the unseen intruder. //We'll surrender to the Preventors, just, please, someone respond.// //Oh, God.// The man in the picture fell backwards and the picture dissolved into static. The sound however, continued. Even as seasoned soldiers, the groups winced and Quatre looked a bit green as screams were abruptly cut off. The rest of the message was familiar, as the pleas drifted into silence. //Help me. Someone. Please help me...// Wufei cut the message off. *** Duo bit back a nervous giggle. "Did anyone else find that immensely disturbing?" Quatre nodded. "I agree with you. Whatever happened here was horrible, and left almost no evidence." Wufei shook his head and pointed to the door. "Not quite. You can see where they tried to weld the door shut. They didn't get very far though. Plus, the camera was destroyed." Zechs moved away from Duo to inspect the damage. "Do you think they have any surveillance records? That should tell us exactly what happened." "Probably, the question is where and how we can access them." Duo interrupted before Wufei could continue. "I bet I could access them if I can get that computer in the office working. If it belonged to the big boss, he'd want to be able to watch what was going on." Wufei nodded almost imperceptibly. Duo knew that was all the approval he was going to get from that end. "Don't worry, 'Fei. Have faith. I'm good at that sort of thing." "Actually, you aren't doing it right now." Duo turned to Zechs in shock. "What? What do you mean? We need this as fast as possible." "I know. But how long has it been since you've slept?" "A while," he muttered in return. He could go longer than a few days without sleep, it wasn't a big deal. He wanted to get at this. Zechs, however, apparently disagreed. "You'll do it faster if you're actually awake. You've hurt yourself already and I'm sure it's because you're overtired." The platinum blond drew himself to his full height, which towered over most of the others save Trowa, and seemed to slip back into officer mode unconsciously. "You will get some sleep. I want at least half of us totally aware at all times. No one is going to be left by themselves." Zechs turned from Duo to Trowa. "I think you should go with Quatre and Duo," obviously realizing that Trowa's presence would make Quatre feel better and Quatre's presence would make Duo actually attempt to rest if only for his sake. Trowa nodded and looked at Duo expectantly. Zechs was right, of course, but that didn't make this any easier. "Fine, I'll work on it tomorrow." Zechs smiled at him this time. "Thanks, Duo." Well, if he put it that way, Duo knew he couldn't fight blue eyes like those. *** Zechs pinched the bridge of his nose. He was probably just as tired as he had accused Duo of being. "Anything you want me to work on?" he asked Wufei. His partner had been touchy of late so letting him lead might be best. They didn't need any more hard feelings between them. To his surprise, a smile answered him. "Well, you could help me out over here. I need an extra set of hands." "Certainly." The silence between them was more comfortable than it had been since the start of this case. It was a pleasant feeling. *** Wufei was smiling. Zechs had chosen to stay with him instead of Duo. It made up for the idiot's clinginess earlier by a long shot as well as the recording. "Hold this here." "Yes, alright" "Thanks." He closed the panel and punched a few entries into the keypad. Lights flicked on reading green. "Much better." If anything his smile got larger. TBC... NOTES How does this make sense if Bremand never opened the box? Firstly, from "Dance of the Fetus" in Cliver Barker's Hellraiser Book 1, Alice's repeated thoughts of suidide called Mr. Soul. Why couldn't thoughts about others do the same thing? Secondly, according to CONCEPTS & GUIDELINES FOR A HORROR ANTHOLOGY SERIES: "Each box is unique for each person, a different puzzle requiring a different solution, a solution that is a RITUAL." I just made the ritual bend more towards thoughts instead of the puzzle in this case. There are many ways to summon Hell, not just the box. It's simply the easiest. DESIRE is the key. Other things The ship's name is taken both from the Titan who gave fire to man, but disobeyed the Gods to do it, and Babylon 5, where it was the ship to start the Earth-Minbari war that almost destroyed humanity. "I just wanted to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing whatsoever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." -- Susan Ivanova, B5